Giorno: 9 Gennaio 2019

Come gestire i display LCD a segmenti con l’MSP430
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Come gestire i display LCD a segmenti con l’MSP430

I display LCD a segmenti sono oggi utilizzati in una miriade di applicazioni, con lo scopo di fornire informazioni utili ed essenziali all’utente: strumenti di…

La STMicroelectronics presenta sensori di immagine ad alta gamma dinamica
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La STMicroelectronics presenta sensori di immagine ad alta gamma dinamica

STMicro ha annunciato due nuovi sensori di immagine progettati per la visione artificiale in ambienti automobilistici, compreso il monitoraggio del conducente. Gli ingegneri stanno affollando…

Nominations Solicited for Six ARRL Awards
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Nominations Solicited for Six ARRL Awards

The ARRL invites nominations for awards that recognize educational and technological pursuits in Amateur Radio. Nominations are also open for ARRL’s premier award to honor…

MIT Radio Society, EE and Computer Science Department Hosting Radio Technology Lectures
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MIT Radio Society, EE and Computer Science Department Hosting Radio Technology Lectures

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Radio Society (W1MX) and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) are hosting a series of public…

MFJ-2104 Octopus Antenna, Four Dipoles of Fun!
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MFJ-2104 Octopus Antenna, Four Dipoles of Fun!

Mix and match any four HF/VHF/UHF bands. Example: screw in 80,40,20 meter hamsticks and a dual band 2M/440 MHz whip (two on each band) on opposite sides….

Winter Field Day 2019 is January 26 – 27
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Winter Field Day 2019 is January 26 – 27

The Winter Field Day Association (WFDA) sponsors the 2019 running of Winter Field Day, January 26 – 27. WFDA says that the ability to conduct emergency…