Giorno: 11 Gennaio 2019

La trasmissione criptata dei dati per applicazioni industriali
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La trasmissione criptata dei dati per applicazioni industriali

Diversi standard sono emersi per proteggere la segretezza delle chiavi e per facilitare lo scambio di queste chiavi su un canale insicuro in sicurezza. L’algoritmo di scambio Diffie-Hellman…

Interfaccia a basso consumo per sensori touch
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Interfaccia a basso consumo per sensori touch

Al giorno d’oggi l’uso sempre più diffuso di sensori è diventato una routine. Spesso e volentieri, infatti, li usiamo anche involontariamente, senza accorgercene. Per questo motivo…

Castelfidardo per Marconi
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Castelfidardo per Marconi


Amateur Radio Applications in Limbo as Partial Shutdown Continues
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Amateur Radio Applications in Limbo as Partial Shutdown Continues

The FCC is not processing any Amateur Radio applications as the partial government shutdown approaches its fourth week. The FCC suspended “most operations” at mid-day…

SDS200 True I/Q™ TrunkTracker X Base/Mobile Scanner
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SDS200 True I/Q™ TrunkTracker X Base/Mobile Scanner

  SDS200 True I/Q Receiver TrunkTracker X Direct Ethernet Connectivity for Streaming and Control Complete USA/Canada Radio Database Location Control for Simple Operation 3.5″ Customizable…

RTTY and FT8 Successfully Coexist in 2019 ARRL RTTY Roundup
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RTTY and FT8 Successfully Coexist in 2019 ARRL RTTY Roundup

Based on informal polling and log-submission trends, it appears that RTTY and FT8 successfully shared spectrum during the ARRL RTTY Roundup over the January 5…

IARUMS reports on OTH Radar on 21 MHz
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IARUMS reports on OTH Radar on 21 MHz

IARU-R1 Monitoring System reports an Over The Horizon (OTH) radar located on the island of Cyprus has been active on 21.170 MHz  The Sovereign Base Areas…

W6NBC Wins the January QST Cover Plaque Award
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W6NBC Wins the January QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the January 2019 QST Cover Plaque award is “The 2-Meter Slot-Cube Antenna” by John Portune, W6NBC. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the…