Giorno: 25 Gennaio 2019

Timer PPG nei micro F2MC-8FX
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Timer PPG nei micro F2MC-8FX

I chip F2MC-8FX della Fujitsu sono dotati di un’interessante periferica, il timer PPG, che consente di generare segnali analogici, oltre che funzionare come timer ad 8 e 16-bit. Nell’articolo saranno descritti i registri di configurazione ed un esempio pratico di utilizzo. Negli…

Teniamo sotto controllo la temperatura e l’umidità di un appartamento con Arduino M0 PRO
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Teniamo sotto controllo la temperatura e l’umidità di un appartamento con Arduino M0 PRO

Arduino M0 PRO dispone di tanti ingressi analogici e tale possibilità estende il suo campo d’azione. Ad esso, infatti, si possono collegare tanti sensori di…

Makers Academy: la nuova piattaforma per la formazione dei Makers
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Makers Academy: la nuova piattaforma per la formazione dei Makers

Il 2019 sarà un anno ricco di novità! Oggi vi presentiamo il nostro ultimo progetto: Makers Academy. Dopo il successo di EOS-Academy, la piattaforma dedicata…

President Richard Spec Sheet
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President Richard Spec Sheet

(Click to enlarge) Here we have the official President spec sheet for the new President Richard 10m AM/FM radio. Available now in the US, priced…

ARRL Board of Directors Issues Statement on Amateur Radio Parity Act
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ARRL Board of Directors Issues Statement on Amateur Radio Parity Act

At its annual meeting January 18 – 19, the ARRL Board of Directors decided that the organization needs to “review, re-examine, and reappraise ARRL’s regulatory…

PST-RR55D-PRO – Ring Rotor
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PST-RR55D-PRO – Ring Rotor

Ring rotor for trellis up to 52cm on the side. It can be mounted anywhere on the truss. The whole structure is made of laser-cut…

Ham radio SSTV from the Space Station
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Ham radio SSTV from the Space Station

Ham radio SSTV from the Space Station The Inter-MAI amateur radio Slow Scan Television experiment on the International Space Station is scheduled to be activated…

Amateur Radio Applications Piling Up as Partial Government Shutdown Continues
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Amateur Radio Applications Piling Up as Partial Government Shutdown Continues

Volunteer Examiner Coordinators across the US are continuing to receive paperwork from Amateur Radio exam sessions held during the partial government shutdown. While it’s still…