Giorno: 15 Marzo 2019

La trasformazione digitale della logistica: IoT e Blockchain
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La trasformazione digitale della logistica: IoT e Blockchain

Questo articolo esplorerà alcune delle principali sfide che dovranno affrontare le aziende della logistica nell’attuazione della trasformazione digitale della catena di approvvigionamento. Mentre tecnologie come…

SWR Simplified [ ARRL PODCAST ]
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SWR Simplified [ ARRL PODCAST ]

A discussion of SWR — Standing Wave Ratio — can be complicated, but it really doesn’t need to be. Review SWR Simplified [ ARRL PODCAST…

ARRL Supports No Change to Table of Allocations for 45.5 – 47 and 47 – 47.2 GHz Bands
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ARRL Supports No Change to Table of Allocations for 45.5 – 47 and 47 – 47.2 GHz Bands

The FCC has opened a brief window for public comment on recommendations approved by the World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee (WAC). Comments are due March 18 on International…

New Features in SDRuno 1.3: IQ Output for CW Skimmer
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New Features in SDRuno 1.3: IQ Output for CW Skimmer

Version 1.3 a major upgrade to SDRuno, adding a number of important new features and is compatible with all RSP models including the original RSP1….

Russian DX Contest 2019
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Russian DX Contest 2019

1. Contest sponsors The “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR is pleased to announce 26 International “Russian DX Contest” 2. Contest Period…

LilacSat-1 (LO-90) Commemorative Competition
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LilacSat-1 (LO-90) Commemorative Competition

The amateur radio satellite LilacSat-1 (LO-90) is expected to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn-up later this month. WEI Mingchuan BG2BHC reports a competition is being held…