Mese: Marzo 2019

Ohio ARES Provides “Situational Awareness” During January Blizzard
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Ohio ARES Provides “Situational Awareness” During January Blizzard

Ohio ARES members stared down “Snowmageddon” 2019, the mid-January blizzard that blanketed the lower Great Lakes region. Based on ominous forecasts and discussion with Assistant…

So Now What? The New Ham Radio Starter Pack [ Podcast ]
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So Now What? The New Ham Radio Starter Pack [ Podcast ]

 A look at the types of equipment that new hams need to get started on their amateur radio journey, and the importance of doing…

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“We are pleased to announce the availability of V1.0a of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products….

IARU Represents Amateur Radio at WRC-19 Preparatory Meeting
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IARU Represents Amateur Radio at WRC-19 Preparatory Meeting

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) represented the interests of the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services in Geneva at last month’s second Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM)…

Update sul  Diploma RR 70
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Update sul Diploma RR 70

Dal momento che si stanno verificando notevoli ritardi nell’invio delle eQSL necessarie per richiedere il Diploma RR70, l’Award Manager rende noto che la deadline per…

A Filament Sandwiched by Sunspots 03.20.2019
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A Filament Sandwiched by Sunspots 03.20.2019

“UPDATE: Part of the filament I talk about did erupt after I posted this video! We could have a part-Earth directed solar storm coming by…

Canadian Amateur Radio Interference Case Adjudicated
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Canadian Amateur Radio Interference Case Adjudicated

Interference from what ISED, Canada’s telecommunications regulator, called an individual “operating an Amateur Radio station without proper authorization and was known to insult, threaten and impersonate…

FCC Cites Amateur Service Rule Violations in Unlicensed Broadcasting Case
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FCC Cites Amateur Service Rule Violations in Unlicensed Broadcasting Case

An FCC Enforcement Bureau Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NoUO) issued last fall to a California Technician-class licensee for alleged unlicensed FM broadcasting on 95.7 MHz now has…

HAARP Gearing Up for its Spring Research Campaign
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HAARP Gearing Up for its Spring Research Campaign

Alaska’s High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is prepping for its spring research program. The activity will run March 25 – 29. The high-power HF…

Individual causing malicious interference triggers parliament petition [CANADA]
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Individual causing malicious interference triggers parliament petition [CANADA]

On June 6, 2018, Martin Bérubé of Louiseville, Quebec initiated a petition involving a radio station that was “generating interference on purpose”. The petition attracted…

LED bianchi: meglio un boost converter o un charge pump?
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LED bianchi: meglio un boost converter o un charge pump?

In questo articolo analizzeremo due principali regolatori di carica per LED: un convertitore di tipo boost e uno charge-pump. I convertitori DC/DC sono dispositivi che accettano una…

La trasformazione digitale della logistica: robot, droni e trasporti autonomi
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La trasformazione digitale della logistica: robot, droni e trasporti autonomi

In un precedente articolo abbiamo cominciato il racconto di come le nuove tecnologie trasformeranno il settore della logistica. In quel resoconto avevamo affrontato l’impatto sul…

Montichiari in “fotofilm”
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Montichiari in “fotofilm”

Sabato 9 e domenica 10 marzo, al Centro Fiera di Montichiari, è ritornato il consueto appuntamento con la Fiera dell’Elettronica, la mostra mercato dedicata agli…

Impariamo il CW con ARI-Siena
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Impariamo il CW con ARI-Siena

La Sezione ARI di Siena, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, organizza una nuova serie di serate sull’arte della telegrafia per radioamatori principianti. Giovedì 21 Marzo 2019, alle…

E anche il “Fotofilm” di Santa Lucia
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E anche il “Fotofilm” di Santa Lucia

ARI ha partecipato per la prima volta alla Fiera Elettronica&Radioamatore a Santa Lucia di Piave (TV), che si è tenuta il 16/17 Febbraio 2019. Sita…

Smithsonian Institution’s NN3SI Returning to the Air
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Smithsonian Institution’s NN3SI Returning to the Air

The historic NN3SI call sign is being reactivated under the aegis of the Smithsonian Institution Amateur Radio Group. “We do not have a physical station…

Hans Zimmermann, HB9AQS/F5VKP, Receives IARU Diamond Award
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Hans Zimmermann, HB9AQS/F5VKP, Receives IARU Diamond Award

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council has recognized Hans Zimmermann, HB9AQS/F5VKP, for his success over many years in raising the visibility at international…

Icom UK D-STAR repeater, Reaches 2500 D-STAR callsign registrations
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Icom UK D-STAR repeater, Reaches 2500 D-STAR callsign registrations

“Our Amateur radio department are continuously busy helping our customers with their products, attending exhibitions and open days. On top of that, the team have…

Come funziona Auting, la startup che ti fa guadagnare quando non usi l’auto
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Come funziona Auting, la startup che ti fa guadagnare quando non usi l’auto

Coppia in auto (Roman Esenzolov/EyeEm/Getty Images) Car sharing peer to peer. È la definizione di Auting, piattaforma italiana che consente la condivisione di auto tra…

Echo Show, Alexa con lo schermo ha più senso
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Echo Show, Alexa con lo schermo ha più senso

foto: Mark Perna (Wired) È già una ventina di giorni che stiamo provando Echo Show, lo smart speaker con display da 10 pollici di Amazon,…

Mining di Monero con il Raspberry Pi
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Mining di Monero con il Raspberry Pi

Nel variegato panorama delle criptovalute, Monero occupa senza alcun dubbio una posizione di sicuro interesse, attribuibile principalmente al fatto di essere una moneta digitale sicura,…

Aspetti di mercato per la digitalizzazione della nuova Industria
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Aspetti di mercato per la digitalizzazione della nuova Industria

Industry 4.0 è un ecosistema integrato costituito da automazione, controllo robotico e analisi dei big data. Industria 4.0 detiene molte potenzialità e si prevede che…

Misure accurate e stabilità in temperatura
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Misure accurate e stabilità in temperatura

Le batterie a ioni di litio vengono sempre più utilizzate in numerosi dispositivi portatili che richiedono batterie ricaricabili. Maggiore densità di energia per volume e peso,…

Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available
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Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available

Sunset at the PJ2T station! Photo from Gene KB7Q ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, has announced that through the yeoman efforts…

FCC Invites Comments on ARRL Technician Enhancement Proposal
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FCC Invites Comments on ARRL Technician Enhancement Proposal

The FCC has invited public comments on ARRL’s 2018 Petition for Rule Making, now designated as RM-11828, which asks the FCC to expand HF privileges for…