Giorno: 19 Aprile 2019

Circuito di condizionamento di segnali digitali
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Circuito di condizionamento di segnali digitali

Analizziamo in questo articolo un circuito di condizionamento per segnali digitali, usabile come stadio di ingresso per apparecchiature a microcontrollore destinate ad operare in ambienti elettricamente…

Il ruolo della blockchain nella trasformazione del settore automotive
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Il ruolo della blockchain nella trasformazione del settore automotive

In questo articolo esaminiamo come la blockchain technology può avere influenza sull’industria automotive, un ecosistema complesso formato da più parti coinvolte nelle fasi di progettazione,…

Sid’s Sunday DX Net 14/04/2019
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Sid’s Sunday DX Net 14/04/2019

Video:YouTube/Mike1074 DX Another video from one of the many UK CB Radio nets. CB radio in the UK has certainly had a major boost in…

Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition Thwarted by Bureaucracy
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Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition Thwarted by Bureaucracy

Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition operators Col McGowan, MM0NDX; Jonathan Bowes, MM0OKG, and Christian Cabre, EA3NT, have thrown in the towel on their efforts to operate…

Lyrid Meteors Come, Bright Region Leaves 04.18.2019 -Space Weather News
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Lyrid Meteors Come, Bright Region Leaves 04.18.2019 -Space Weather News

“Space Weather quiets down this week though we continue to get hit with sporadic pockets of fast solar wind. Activity could increase at high latitudes,…

First Look at the new Yaesu FTDX-101D – DXEngineering
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First Look at the new Yaesu FTDX-101D – DXEngineering

Yaesu FTDX-101D Announced features for incredible Yaesu FTdx-101D include: * Elite-Level 160 to 6 Meters 100 Watt Transceiver* Superb and astonishing close-in Dynamic Range Performance,…

Icom IC-9700 Review, Demo And Walkthrough
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Icom IC-9700 Review, Demo And Walkthrough

Icom IC-9700 Here it is! The all new Icom IC-9700 tri-band direct sampling transceiver. This is a most impressive rig and I will be showing…