Giorno: 29 Aprile 2019

M0OGY – A Selection Of Videos!
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M0OGY – A Selection Of Videos!

Dave, M0OGY, has been really busy since his return to YouTube so here is a collection of his most recent videos for you to enjoy……..

Ari-Isernia e il suo “Fusion C4FM”
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Ari-Isernia e il suo “Fusion C4FM”

La radio si trasferisce su internet con il sistema digitale per rendere ancora più efficaci le comunicazioni tra radioamatori ed allargare le orizzonti dell’etere anche…

Serata QRP a Thiene
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Serata QRP a Thiene

Il Mountain QRP Club organizza una serata a tema sull’argomento “FARE ATTIVITA’ RADIO IN QRP/P DA SITI MONTANI E LAVORARE I DIPLOMI DEL MOUNTAIN QRP…

Yaesu FT DX 101D Release Model Hands-On Review and Introduction
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Yaesu FT DX 101D Release Model Hands-On Review and Introduction

News Happy Birthday! Samuel F.B. Morse April 27, 2019 No comments Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791-1872) and other inventors, the…