Giorno: 30 Aprile 2019

Veicoli elettrici, guida autonoma e ADAS: i nuovi trends del mercato automotive
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Veicoli elettrici, guida autonoma e ADAS: i nuovi trends del mercato automotive

Il mercato automobilistico si avvicina a 100 milioni di veicoli prodotti ogni anno e vanta un fatturato di 6 miliardi di dollari. Nuove tecnologie di…

Torna “Marzaglia”
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Torna “Marzaglia”

Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Set for May 11
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Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Set for May 11

The Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) will host the traditional military/Amateur Radio communication tests to mark the 68th annual Armed Forces Day (AFD) on…

New FT4 Mode with more 20K spots in few your hours realese
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New FT4 Mode with more 20K spots in few your hours realese

    Source: LINK WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting  The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1JT Equipment DX Engineering UCGC-Z…

WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting 
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WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting 

WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Candidate Release WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 Candidate releases are intended for beta testers: individuals interested in testing the program’s new features and providing feedback to the…

Yaesu FT 817 – CAT, CW decoder, waterfall, frequency readout, audio filter and audio recording.
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Yaesu FT 817 – CAT, CW decoder, waterfall, frequency readout, audio filter and audio recording.

What this lad has done with this screen for the 817 is astounding. CAT, CW decoder, waterfall, frequency readout, audio filter and audio recording. What…