Mese: Aprile 2019

Sid’s Sunday DX Net 14/04/2019
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Sid’s Sunday DX Net 14/04/2019

Video:YouTube/Mike1074 DX Another video from one of the many UK CB Radio nets. CB radio in the UK has certainly had a major boost in…

Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition Thwarted by Bureaucracy
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Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition Thwarted by Bureaucracy

Djibouti J20DX IOTA DXpedition operators Col McGowan, MM0NDX; Jonathan Bowes, MM0OKG, and Christian Cabre, EA3NT, have thrown in the towel on their efforts to operate…

Lyrid Meteors Come, Bright Region Leaves 04.18.2019 -Space Weather News
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Lyrid Meteors Come, Bright Region Leaves 04.18.2019 -Space Weather News

“Space Weather quiets down this week though we continue to get hit with sporadic pockets of fast solar wind. Activity could increase at high latitudes,…

First Look at the new Yaesu FTDX-101D – DXEngineering
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First Look at the new Yaesu FTDX-101D – DXEngineering

Yaesu FTDX-101D Announced features for incredible Yaesu FTdx-101D include: * Elite-Level 160 to 6 Meters 100 Watt Transceiver* Superb and astonishing close-in Dynamic Range Performance,…

Icom IC-9700 Review, Demo And Walkthrough
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Icom IC-9700 Review, Demo And Walkthrough

Icom IC-9700 Here it is! The all new Icom IC-9700 tri-band direct sampling transceiver. This is a most impressive rig and I will be showing…

Come migliorare il riposo notturno
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Come migliorare il riposo notturno

Tantissime persone russano durante il sonno e la maggior parte di esse non si preoccupano del problema o sembra che non notino il rumore. Purtroppo,…

Una nuova generazione d’induttori di potenza da Coilcraft
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Una nuova generazione d’induttori di potenza da Coilcraft

La Coilcraft ha presentato la nuova serie XGL4020 d’induttori di potenza ad alte prestazioni. XGL4020 presenta perdite molto basse in CC ed estremamente basse in…

“Mentoring the Next Generation” is Hamvention and ARRL 2019 National Convention Theme
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“Mentoring the Next Generation” is Hamvention and ARRL 2019 National Convention Theme

With an eye toward helping new and inexperienced hams enjoy the full range of activities that Amateur Radio has to offer, Hamvention® and the ARRL 2019…

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ALL-MODE  QRP TRANSCEIVER for HF + 6m +4m (12 Bands + General Coverage RX) MADE IN EUROPE                  …

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L’architettura ARM (precedentemente Advanced RISC Machine, prima ancora Acorn RISC Machine) indica una famiglia di microprocessori RISC a 32bit sviluppata da ARM Holdings e utilizzata in una moltitudine…

Le soluzioni per il test delle auto connesse
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Le soluzioni per il test delle auto connesse

Auto intelligenti e auto connesse non sono più concetti che appartengono al futuro. Ogni nuovo modello di veicolo immesso sul mercato include sistemi con soluzioni…

Un nuovo chip Led bianco estremamente affidabile dalla ROHM Semiconductor
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Un nuovo chip Led bianco estremamente affidabile dalla ROHM Semiconductor

L’azienda ROHM Semiconductor ha annunciato la nuova disponibilità del chip Led bianco dalle misure di 1.6 x 0.8mm (1608). Si tratta del modello SMLD12WBN1W. Il…

STEEM, una blockchain rivoluzionaria, come funziona e a cosa serve?
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STEEM, una blockchain rivoluzionaria, come funziona e a cosa serve?

Nota come una delle blockchain più innovative e funzionali, STEEM è stata valutata in modo positivo dagli esperti nello studio delle tecnologie blockchain più interessanti….

ARRL and FCC Sign Memorandum to Implement New Volunteer Monitor Program
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ARRL and FCC Sign Memorandum to Implement New Volunteer Monitor Program

ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that paves the way to implement the new and enhanced Volunteer Monitor program. The memorandum establishes…

Commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2019 Swag Kit
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Commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2019 Swag Kit

Attention all hams. Be one of lucky the winners to receive a commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2019 Swag Kit. Sign up today to be entered into…

ARRL Rolls Back Outgoing QSL Bureau Rates to 2011 Prices
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ARRL Rolls Back Outgoing QSL Bureau Rates to 2011 Prices

ARRL is rolling back Outgoing QSL Bureau rates to 2011 levels. Effective May 15, 2019, the new rates will be: $2 for 10 or fewer…

L’importanza dell’automazione nell’industria automobilistica
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L’importanza dell’automazione nell’industria automobilistica

Personalizzazione, efficienza e flessibilità sono i criteri chiave alla base della progettazione e della produzione di macchine e linee automatiche per assemblare e testare componenti…

Amateur Radio in Space Pioneer Astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK
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Amateur Radio in Space Pioneer Astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK

Owen Garriott The US astronaut who pioneered the use of Amateur Radio to make contacts from space — Owen K. Garriott, W5LFL — died April…

Cybernet Delta 1 – 934MHz Review By M0OGY
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Cybernet Delta 1 – 934MHz Review By M0OGY

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave takes a look at one of the best 934Mhz CB Radios from back in the day. Very expensive at the time 934Mhz was…

2° Mercatino Radioamatoriale a Gallarate
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2° Mercatino Radioamatoriale a Gallarate

Domenica 5 Maggio 2019 si svolgerà dalle ore 9.00 alle 13.00 il 2° Mercatino Radioamatoriale della Sezione ARI di Gallarate IQ2GM con ingresso da passo…

World Amateur Radio Day 2019 Marks International Amateur Radio Union Founding
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World Amateur Radio Day 2019 Marks International Amateur Radio Union Founding

Thursday, April 18, is World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), this year marking the 94th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), founded in Paris…

Kirisun M50
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Kirisun M50

Kirisun M50 Applicant’s name: Kirisun Communication Co.,Ltd. Address: Shenzhen 518057, P.R.China Manufacturer: Kirisun Communication Co.,Ltd. Test item description: PoC Trunked Mobile Radio Trade Mark: KIRISUN…

Applicazione pratica con Simulink: controllo del livello d’acqua di un serbatoio
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Applicazione pratica con Simulink: controllo del livello d’acqua di un serbatoio

Un controllo del livello d’acqua di un serbatoio utilizzando Simulink, un potente tool di MatLab per l’analisi e la progettazione di sistemi di controllo. Uno…

ICOM IC-7300 vs Yaesu FT-891!
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ICOM IC-7300 vs Yaesu FT-891!

Antenna Jim W6LG Uses A Short Dipole To Demonstrate How A Dipole Functions June 18, 2018 No comments Jim makes and then shows his tunable…

Baofeng BF-T8
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Baofeng BF-T8

Baofeng BF-T8 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The EUT is a Two Way Radio designed for voice communication. It is designed by way of utilizing the FM modulation…