Giorno: 14 Maggio 2019

Sperimentiamo con i servizi IFTTT e la Lampadina WiFi
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Sperimentiamo con i servizi IFTTT e la Lampadina WiFi

Continuiamo ad approfondire le conoscenze sulla lampada Wifi. In questo articolo allargheremo le possibilità di utilizzo della lampadina, connettendola ai servizi offerti da IFTTT. Con…

L’automazione ai tempi dell’Industry 4.0
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L’automazione ai tempi dell’Industry 4.0

L’industria 4.0 e l’inarrestabile crescita dell’automazione stanno ridefinendo i processi produttivi. Ai produttori viene presentata la sfida di aggiornare e digitalizzare i loro sistemi come…

IC-9700 Review and Smackdown vs the IC-910H
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IC-9700 Review and Smackdown vs the IC-910H

George and Tommy from AmateurLogic review the IC-9100 with Ray Novak, N9JA from Icom. In this classic smackdown episode, the IC-9700 goes up against the…

Yaesu FTM-400DR  [ Review ]
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Yaesu FTM-400DR [ Review ]

FTM-400XDR C4FM FDMA / FM 144/430 MHz DUAL BAND TRANSCEIVER The new FTM-400XDR includes an improved GPS receiver that employs the latest in GPS technology providing faster…

40 meter folded dipole using window line
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40 meter folded dipole using window line

In all the years I’ve been playing radio, I’ve never built a folded dipole. Boy have I been missing out! These are amazing performers. Link…