Giorno: 15 Maggio 2019

Introduzione allo standard DO-254
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Introduzione allo standard DO-254

Nei sistemi safety critical, in particolare in ambito avionico, tutte le fasi di pianificazione, definizione e progettazione di un sistema embedded sono delineate e condotte al…

Ascesa, declino e rinascita dei sintetizzatori analogici
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Ascesa, declino e rinascita dei sintetizzatori analogici

Nel momento in cui si vuole cercare di definire i suoni che hanno accompagnato gli anni ’70 e ’80, un singolo strumento balza prepotentemente alla…

Torna Florence Radiofest
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Torna Florence Radiofest

Per maggiori informazioni clicca sull’immagine

Kidsday 15 June 2019
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Kidsday 15 June 2019

This year’s second Kidsday will be held on Saturday 15th of June. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio to youth. This is a moment…

ARRL Invites Applications for Volunteer Monitor Positions
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ARRL Invites Applications for Volunteer Monitor Positions

ARRL is now accepting applications from individuals interested in becoming part of the new Volunteer Monitor program, a joint undertaking of ARRL and the FCC. The program seeks…

A strong (G3) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress
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A strong (G3) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress

Surprise! A strong (G3) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress thanks to an enhanced solar wind stream containing a sharply south pointing Bz. Visible aurora…

Palstar AT2KD Review & How to Use a Differential Antenna Tuner
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Palstar AT2KD Review & How to Use a Differential Antenna Tuner

“Jarrad VK3BL reviews Palstar’s AT2KD and talks about the advantages of having a large, high powered tuner even if you only run barefoot. Additionally, Jarrad…