Mese: Maggio 2019

ARRL’s Free Exam Review for Ham Radio Updated
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ARRL’s Free Exam Review for Ham Radio Updated

ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio has been updated in advance of the release of the ninth edition of The ARRL General Class License Manual for…

Yaesu FT-991a VS Icom IC7300 Comparison
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Yaesu FT-991a VS Icom IC7300 Comparison

News Coronation station HS10KING/mm on geostationary satellite May 02, 2019 No comments To mark the Coronation of King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun(King Rama X) from May 4-6, 2019…

Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Ordinamenti
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Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Ordinamenti

In questa puntata del corso esaminiamo le tecniche per ordinare, numericamente o alfabeticamente, le informazioni. Esistono tanti metodi per raggiungere lo scopo ma in linea…

Firmware 155 – Speciale Automotive
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Firmware 155 – Speciale Automotive

È uscito il numero di maggio di Firmware dedicato al settore Automotive. All’interno troverete contenuti tecnici su veicoli elettrici, guida autonoma e ADAS, tecnologia MEMS,…

ICOM IC-7610  [4K VIDEO]
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News ARRL Reply Comments Stress Need to Update Technician Privileges in a Digital World May 01, 2019 No comments In reply comments to the FCC (comments on…

JTAlert 2.13.4 – for FT4
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JTAlert 2.13.4 – for FT4

Provides several audio and visual alert types based on decoded Callsigns within JT65-HF and WSJT-X. Audio and visual alerts for several alert conditions Your Callsign…

ARRL Reply Comments Stress Need to Update Technician Privileges in a Digital World
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ARRL Reply Comments Stress Need to Update Technician Privileges in a Digital World

In reply comments to the FCC (comments on comments already filed) on its Petition for Rule Making (RM-11828), ARRL has stressed that updating HF privileges for the entry-level Technician…

A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019
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A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: It is…

Reported Bugs in WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5
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Reported Bugs in WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5

“We are aware of the following bugs or anomalies in release candidate 5 of WSJT-X 2.1.0. There is no need to provide further feedback on…

EOS-Book #49 – Blockchain technology a supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale decentralizzata
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EOS-Book #49 – Blockchain technology a supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale decentralizzata

È uscito il numero di EOS-Book di maggio! La copertina è dedicata alla tecnologia Blockchain a supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale decentralizzata. All’interno troverete anche articoli su…

Veicoli elettrici sempre più efficienti con la blockchain
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Veicoli elettrici sempre più efficienti con la blockchain

Blockchain è un registro digitale aperto e distribuito, in grado di registrare transazioni tra due parti in modo efficiente, verificabile e permanente. Per essere utilizzata…

Mille Miglia veloce come un Diploma
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Mille Miglia veloce come un Diploma

La Sezione A.R.I. di Brescia, unica Sezione Italiana autorizzata da 1000 Miglia s.r.l. all’utilizzo del brand, in collaborazione con le Sezioni A.R.I. di Roma, del…

ARRL/LIMARC School Club Roundup Certificates are Now Available
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ARRL/LIMARC School Club Roundup Certificates are Now Available

School Club Roundup (SCR) certificates are now available for the February 2019 event as well as for any future SCRs, via the Certificate menu item…

ARRL Hamvention 2019 – APP
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ARRL Hamvention 2019 – APP

This year’s Dayton Hamvention®, host of the 2019 ARRL National Convention, will be the first year a mobile event app will help attendees navigate the…

Zumspot USB Stick for DMR/DSTAR/YSF/P25
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Zumspot USB Stick for DMR/DSTAR/YSF/P25

The ZUMspot USB is an Advanced Radio Module Board. Connected to a Windows/Mac/Linux computer and MMDVM/BlueDV software make a small and efficient multi-mode digital hotspot….