Giorno: 7 Giugno 2019

Il protocollo Ethereum per la creazione di smart contracts
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Il protocollo Ethereum per la creazione di smart contracts

Ethereum è una piattaforma decentralizzata che permette di implementare contratti intelligenti, chiamati anche Smart Contracts. Si tratta di contratti che si autoeseguono esattamente come se…

PRESIDENT McKINLEY Review (GoTechnique)
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PRESIDENT McKINLEY Review (GoTechnique)

Video:YouTube/GoTechnique Another look at the President McKinley EU, this time in French… For those who don’t speak french, I’m sure you’ll still be able to…

New FT4 Beta Release “Leaps and Bounds” Better than Earlier Iterations
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New FT4 Beta Release “Leaps and Bounds” Better than Earlier Iterations

User reports have been favorable in the wake of the release of another new beta version of the FT4 protocol by the WSJT-X Developoment Group this week. WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc7,…

Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteers & Everything They Have to Offer – Ham Nation 405
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Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteers & Everything They Have to Offer – Ham Nation 405

Amanda’s EmComm van and tropospheric ducting! A tour of Amanda’s EmComm van, tropospheric ducting with Gordo, Amateur Radio Newsline with Don, Solar Weather Update with…

Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The Doctor Is In
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Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The Doctor Is In

“Trees make handy supports for wire antennas, but getting an antenna into a tree — and keeping it there — can be a challenge. “…