Giorno: 11 Giugno 2019

L’oscilloscopio VOLTCRAFT DSO-3204
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L’oscilloscopio VOLTCRAFT DSO-3204

In combinazione con un computer compatibile con Windows® con 2 porte USB, il dispositivo dispone di quattro canali per l’acquisizione di segnali fino a 200…

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019
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International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019 Nick Hague, KG5TMV talking to participants at House Of Children Youth, Olomouc, Czech Republic on Saturday 8th June 2019 at…

Cq Kid Day, partecipiamo!
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Cq Kid Day, partecipiamo!

This year’s second Kidsday will be held on Saturday 15th of June. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio to youth. This is…

Votate, per dare ancora più forza all’ARI!
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Votate, per dare ancora più forza all’ARI!

Nei prossimi giorni arriveranno ai domicili di tutti i Soci le schede per il rinnovo del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale per il triennio 2019-2022. Le persone…

Il Referendum elettorale
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Il Referendum elettorale

Questo il facsimile della scheda che arriverà ad ogni Socio Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare il PDF completo

W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ]
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W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ]

News W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ] June 10, 2019 in: News No comments Read more W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention…

W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21
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W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21

The W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention will take place September 20 – 21 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. A radio shack will be set up with some of…

Wireless Power Transmission Provokes Discussion in ITU-R Study Group
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Wireless Power Transmission Provokes Discussion in ITU-R Study Group

The emerging wireless power transmission (WPT) technology and associated applications came in for closer scrutiny during the May/June meeting of International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector…

N1MM Logger+ Announces a New Website
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N1MM Logger+ Announces a New Website

Popular Amateur Radio contest logging software N1MM Logger+ has a new website. Changes include fewer pages, better search capability and bug/issue-tracking visibility and reporting, and a comprehensive, easier-to-use listing…

50 MHz Contest allowed in DL
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50 MHz Contest allowed in DL

With an update of the original 2006 decree the contest ban has been temporalily lifted within the frequency band 50.08-51 MHz, so German amateurs may…