Giorno: 19 Giugno 2019

Motore passo passo RPi con anti-risonanza
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Motore passo passo RPi con anti-risonanza

I motori passo passo sono diventati indispensabili nella progettazione delle moderne apparecchiature elettromeccaniche. Si possono trovare ovunque, dalle stampanti 3D agli hard disk e ai…

Nuovo relè ad alta corrente dalla Omron
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Nuovo relè ad alta corrente dalla Omron

La Omron ha ampliato la sua famiglia di relè di potenza G2RL con un nuovo modello a elevata capacità per la commutazione di carichi di…

SSB On The 305
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SSB On The 305

Video:YouTube/fredintheshed1 Some DX action on the 305 net here in the UK….

Ancora una volta l’ARI vince in giudizio
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Ancora una volta l’ARI vince in giudizio

[OMISSIS] P.Q.M. Il giudice, definitivamente pronunciando sulle domande delle parti, ogni altra domanda, istanza ed eccezione disattesa così provvede:  – rigetta le domande avanzate da…

Emergency communication tower destroyed near Oregon coast
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Emergency communication tower destroyed near Oregon coast

Authorities say an emergency communication tower near the Oregon coast has been destroyed, causing over $60,000 in damag OS BAY, Ore. (AP) — Authorities say…

Radio Amateurs in India Support Emergency Communication during Cyclone Vayu
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Radio Amateurs in India Support Emergency Communication during Cyclone Vayu

At the request of authorities in India’s Gujarat Province, Rajesh Vagadia, VU2EXP, and his niece Shyama Vagadia, VU3WHG, deployed on June 12 to Porbandar to…

HS10KING on QO-100 geostationary satellite
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HS10KING on QO-100 geostationary satellite

To strengthen the relationship between Thai and Japanese amateur radio operators representatives of the JAMSAT group of Japan have travelled to Thailand to visit the…

Historic Trans-Atlantic contact made on 144 MHz
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Historic Trans-Atlantic contact made on 144 MHz

A historic contact was made on Sunday the 16th June 2019 when the Atlantic was spanned for the first time on 144 MHz. D41CV on…