Giorno: 30 Giugno 2019

Soluzioni SoC
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Soluzioni SoC

Un System-on-Chip è un particolare tipo di circuito integrato che in un singolo chip ingloba un intero sistema elettronico. Ecco quali sono le soluzioni che il mercato offre…

World Wide Digi DX Contest
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World Wide Digi DX Contest

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (“WWROF”), in collaboration with the Slovenia Contest Club (“SCC”), is pleased to announce the first annual World Wide Digi…

Elecraft KX2 VS. Xiegu X5105 QRP Radio Showdown!
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Elecraft KX2 VS. Xiegu X5105 QRP Radio Showdown!

Antenna K7RL on Camano Island overlooking the Pacific June 27, 2019 No comments K7RL now fully remote on Camano Island overlooking the Pacific. 2EL 80M…