Recent Posts SunSDR2 DX- Expert Electronics June 19, 2019 in: Equipment No comments Read more Pennsylvania Radio Amateur Dies in Tower Installation Mishap…
A 62-year-old Union Dale, Pennsylvania, radio amateur — Leland L. “Lee” Parsons III, N3LPJ — was killed on June 14 during a tower installation project when…
A New Jersey radio amateur, David S. Larsen Sr., WS2L, of Highland Park, will surrender his Amateur Extra-class license and pay a $7,500 civil penalty…
I motori passo passo sono diventati indispensabili nella progettazione delle moderne apparecchiature elettromeccaniche. Si possono trovare ovunque, dalle stampanti 3D agli hard disk e ai…
[OMISSIS] P.Q.M. Il giudice, definitivamente pronunciando sulle domande delle parti, ogni altra domanda, istanza ed eccezione disattesa così provvede: – rigetta le domande avanzate da…
Authorities say an emergency communication tower near the Oregon coast has been destroyed, causing over $60,000 in damag OS BAY, Ore. (AP) — Authorities say…
At the request of authorities in India’s Gujarat Province, Rajesh Vagadia, VU2EXP, and his niece Shyama Vagadia, VU3WHG, deployed on June 12 to Porbandar to…
To strengthen the relationship between Thai and Japanese amateur radio operators representatives of the JAMSAT group of Japan have travelled to Thailand to visit the…
Come progettista o ingegnere di macchine, bisogna sempre specificare i sensori da utilizzare nei progetti. Durante la ricerca, ci si trova di fronte a una…
La 44a edizione della Fiera è in programma da venerdì 21 a domenica 23 Giugno. Il complesso che ospiterà la “International Amateur Radio Exhibition” è…
ARRL has produced and is making available the downloadable video, “What is Amateur Radio?” to use at club meetings and at public events, including ARRL Field Day,…
Three BIRDS-3 satellites with Amateur Radio payloads are scheduled to be deployed from the International Space Station on Monday, June 17. The BIRDS-3 constellation includes CubeSats from…
The ARRL Foundation has announced the 2019 recipients the scholarships it administers. The ARRL Foundation General Fund Scholarship, $2,000 each Marisa K. Allyn, KF7NER, Sammamish, WA Jonathan L. Doorn, KG5CUK, White Rock, NM Ian J. Hofbeck, KG7GDZ, Lynnwood, WA Shefali K. Janorkar, KD2FIW, Staten…
Le applicazioni elettroniche, siano esse analogiche o digitali, richiedono una continua analisi dei segnali in ingresso/uscita da un qualsiasi circuito. Le forme d’onda dovranno essere amplificate o attenuate, in base alla parte circuitale nella quale…
Product Dimensions and Weight Product Length: 25.0000M Product Widtg: 1.0280M A 3 element LFA-Q (Super-rigid Quad-style) Super-Light Quad Style Yagi for 50-50.5MHz The LFA-Q Packs…
Release notes Version 1.36.0MAINTENANCE RELEASE Added support to QARTest direct QSO import in Log4OM Communicator (Inbound settings, default port is 9458) Added support to N1MM…
VHF Alinco FM Mobile Monoband Transceivers DR-135TMKIII January 05, 2016 No comments Alinco FM Mobile Monoband Transceivers are the perfect choice for Amateur Radio operators….
In questo articolo si affronterà il problema di come creare continuità nell’alimentazione alla disconnessione del cavo USB per un prodotto a batteria. L’argomento è molto sentito soprattutto di recente con lo sviluppo di numerosi prodotti portatili ricaricabili attraverso…
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