Mese: Giugno 2019

L’oscilloscopio VOLTCRAFT DSO-3204
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L’oscilloscopio VOLTCRAFT DSO-3204

In combinazione con un computer compatibile con Windows® con 2 porte USB, il dispositivo dispone di quattro canali per l’acquisizione di segnali fino a 200…

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019
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International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019 Nick Hague, KG5TMV talking to participants at House Of Children Youth, Olomouc, Czech Republic on Saturday 8th June 2019 at…

Cq Kid Day, partecipiamo!
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Cq Kid Day, partecipiamo!

This year’s second Kidsday will be held on Saturday 15th of June. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio to youth. This is…

Votate, per dare ancora più forza all’ARI!
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Votate, per dare ancora più forza all’ARI!

Nei prossimi giorni arriveranno ai domicili di tutti i Soci le schede per il rinnovo del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale per il triennio 2019-2022. Le persone…

Il Referendum elettorale
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Il Referendum elettorale

Questo il facsimile della scheda che arriverà ad ogni Socio Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare il PDF completo

W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ]
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W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ]

News W0CBK Charles’ impressions of the Baby loop! [ HAMVENTION ] June 10, 2019 in: News No comments Read more W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention…

W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21
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W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21

The W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention will take place September 20 – 21 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. A radio shack will be set up with some of…

Wireless Power Transmission Provokes Discussion in ITU-R Study Group
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Wireless Power Transmission Provokes Discussion in ITU-R Study Group

The emerging wireless power transmission (WPT) technology and associated applications came in for closer scrutiny during the May/June meeting of International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector…

N1MM Logger+ Announces a New Website
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N1MM Logger+ Announces a New Website

Popular Amateur Radio contest logging software N1MM Logger+ has a new website. Changes include fewer pages, better search capability and bug/issue-tracking visibility and reporting, and a comprehensive, easier-to-use listing…

50 MHz Contest allowed in DL
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50 MHz Contest allowed in DL

With an update of the original 2006 decree the contest ban has been temporalily lifted within the frequency band 50.08-51 MHz, so German amateurs may…

Come la blockchain potrebbe cambiare il futuro dell’umanità
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Come la blockchain potrebbe cambiare il futuro dell’umanità

L’afflusso di aiuti in seguito a un disastro dimostra il potere della generosità umana. Purtroppo, funzionari e intermediari corrotti spesso considerano questa opportunità per arricchirsi…

ALPHA RF Systems –  Hamvention
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ALPHA RF Systems – Hamvention

Antenna Elecraft AX1 Portable QRP Antenna for KX2 ~ Unbox Test Review June 09, 2019 No comments Read more Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The…

IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter May 2019 available!
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IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter May 2019 available!

Monitoring System DK2OM – Wolf HadelCo-ordinator of IARUMS Region 1Editor of the NewsletterHB9CET – Peter JostVice Co-ordinator of IARUMS Region 1 – New kind of…

Elecraft AX1 Portable QRP Antenna for KX2 ~ Unbox Test Review
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Elecraft AX1 Portable QRP Antenna for KX2 ~ Unbox Test Review

News IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter May 2019 available! June 09, 2019 No comments Monitoring System DK2OM – Wolf Hadel Co-ordinator of IARUMS Region 1 Editor…

Hamcom 2019, Texas’ Largest Hamfest, Day 1
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Hamcom 2019, Texas’ Largest Hamfest, Day 1

“Opening day of Hamcom, the largest gathering of Amateur Radio Operators in the State of Texas, every year ‘”  Digital Modes LoTW Now Accepting FT4…

SDRplay – SEAPAC presentation slides
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SDRplay – SEAPAC presentation slides

Antenna The InLogis/Pixel Active Magnetic Loop Antenna Now Available Exclusively at DX Engineering November 21, 2015 No comments Amateur Radio operators have relied on the…

How Do You Know Your Antenna & Radio Are Setup And Working Correctly?
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How Do You Know Your Antenna & Radio Are Setup And Working Correctly?

“A question you may have asked yourself, “Is my radio working? I don’t hear anyone!” Or worse, you can hear other stations, but you don’t…

USB Mass Storage class su PIC24
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USB Mass Storage class su PIC24

Dopo che nei PIC32 della serie PIC32MX4, Microchip ha incorporato un modulo USB host anche in alcuni microcontrollori della famiglia PIC24. Microchip fornisce una libreria per lo sviluppo di…

Tecniche autodiagnostiche
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Tecniche autodiagnostiche

In molte applicazioni critiche l’efficienza del funzionamento dell’applicazione deve essere garantita, per questo esistono alcune tecniche di diagnostica. Molte applicazioni di supervisione e controllo mantengono la CPU per…

2019 ITU World Radio Conference
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2019 ITU World Radio Conference

At the 2019 ITU World Radio Conference there is an important motion on the agenda to consolidate and extend access to the 50MHz band in…

Il protocollo Ethereum per la creazione di smart contracts
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Il protocollo Ethereum per la creazione di smart contracts

Ethereum è una piattaforma decentralizzata che permette di implementare contratti intelligenti, chiamati anche Smart Contracts. Si tratta di contratti che si autoeseguono esattamente come se…

PRESIDENT McKINLEY Review (GoTechnique)
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PRESIDENT McKINLEY Review (GoTechnique)

Video:YouTube/GoTechnique Another look at the President McKinley EU, this time in French… For those who don’t speak french, I’m sure you’ll still be able to…

New FT4 Beta Release “Leaps and Bounds” Better than Earlier Iterations
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New FT4 Beta Release “Leaps and Bounds” Better than Earlier Iterations

User reports have been favorable in the wake of the release of another new beta version of the FT4 protocol by the WSJT-X Developoment Group this week. WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc7,…

Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteers & Everything They Have to Offer – Ham Nation 405
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Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteers & Everything They Have to Offer – Ham Nation 405

Amanda’s EmComm van and tropospheric ducting! A tour of Amanda’s EmComm van, tropospheric ducting with Gordo, Amateur Radio Newsline with Don, Solar Weather Update with…

Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The Doctor Is In
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Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The Doctor Is In

“Trees make handy supports for wire antennas, but getting an antenna into a tree — and keeping it there — can be a challenge. “…