Giorno: 4 Luglio 2019

Termometro senza sonda con PIC
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Termometro senza sonda con PIC

Questo articolo mostra un metodo per utilizzare il WDT (Watch Dog Timer) interno di un microcontrollore PIC per misurare la temperatura ambiente senza utilizzare nessuna…

IC V86 Review with George Thomas and Ray Novak
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IC V86 Review with George Thomas and Ray Novak

The IC-V86 gives you more audio, more RF power, more coverage and more battery capacity in a compact, MIL-STD portable. With 1.5W of receive audio…

Historic Amateur Radio Contact Reported via Moon-Orbiting Satellite
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Historic Amateur Radio Contact Reported via Moon-Orbiting Satellite

A contact between a radio amateur in Germany and China took place on July 1 via the moon-orbiting LO-4 satellite, DSLWP-B, launched in May 2018….