Giorno: 27 Luglio 2019

ZigBee facile
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ZigBee facile

Con i moduli Sena Technologies, integrare Zigbee nella propria applicazione diviene un’operazione semplice, veloce e poco costosa. La tecnologia Zigbee sta penetrando sempre di più nel mercato soprattutto in applicazioni…

Le MCU Freescale/NXP: da HC08 alle nuove HCS08
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Le MCU Freescale/NXP: da HC08 alle nuove HCS08

Le MCU HCS08 rappresentano un’evoluzione della famiglia HC08, con caratteristiche di throughput decisamente superiori, un rinnovato set d’istruzioni – sebbene compatibile con il precedente – ed un aggiornamento…

RSGB IOTA Contest Announced Operations: 2019
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RSGB IOTA Contest Announced Operations: 2019

The RSGB IOTA Contest is the most popular contest in the RSGB HF Contests calendar, attracting entries from around the world. IOTA refers to the…

Two ISS SSTV events during July 29 – August 4
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Two ISS SSTV events during July 29 – August 4

ARISS Russia is planning Slow Scan Television (SSTV) image transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station. Below is the scheduled for the…

3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m)
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3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m)

An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 50/70MHz with 1.2m boom Model: DB-664 A dualband balun is recommended for this antenna, details can be found HERE The…

FT4 contests announced – RSGB
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FT4 contests announced – RSGB

RSGB FT4 Contest Series A series of three short duration events on 80m to allow entrants to experience the latest machine-generated contest mode As this…