Mese: Luglio 2019

D41CV work DK5AI – 144MHz ! 4966 KM
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D41CV work DK5AI – 144MHz ! 4966 KM

Antenna OMNI-TILT Vertical Antenna Tilt Bases DXE-OMNITILT-2P March 09, 2016 No comments DX Engineering OMNI-TILT Vertical Antenna Tilt Bases are a completely new design that…

TYT DMR Radio  IP-79
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TYT DMR Radio IP-79

Recent Posts D41CV work DK5AI – 144MHz ! 4966 KM July 23, 2019 in: VHF No comments   Read more TYT DMR Radio IP-79 July…

Radioditty GD-73 DMR HT – Programming and Using
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Radioditty GD-73 DMR HT – Programming and Using

PALM SIZE DMR: Compatible with MOTOTRBO, the GD-73A features lightweight and mini size that can easily fit your pocket. The clear LCD screen and compact keypad…

144 MHz Threat: Switzerland’s Ofcom suggest Aeronautical co-primary
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144 MHz Threat: Switzerland’s Ofcom suggest Aeronautical co-primary

Regarding access by the Aeronautical Mobile Service to the amateur radio 144 MHz band Switzerland’s Ofcom says: ‘a possible so-called co-primary usage between both services…

DSP high-performance
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DSP high-performance

La crescente diffusione di applicazioni di imaging e infrastrutture wireless nel mercato consumer ed industriale richiede lo sviluppo di soluzioni hardware ad elevate prestazioni. Il…

CB Radio Skip 22/07/2019 – President McKinley EU
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CB Radio Skip 22/07/2019 – President McKinley EU

IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Seeks Student CubeSat RF Hardware Proposals
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IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Seeks Student CubeSat RF Hardware Proposals

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) has announced the MTT-Sat Challenge for groups of students developing RF hardware for CubeSat applications. The MTT-Sat Challenge is…

Two SSTV events during July 29 – August 4
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Two SSTV events during July 29 – August 4

Below is the scheduled (as of July 22) for the planned activation of SSTV from the ISS. The first session is the routine MAI-75 activity…

Amateur Radio Being Showcased at 2019 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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Amateur Radio Being Showcased at 2019 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

ARRL member-volunteers will be part of the excitement as the 2019 International Experimental Aircraft Association annual AirVenture show gets under way this week in Oshkosh,…

Microwave Update 2019 Online Registration Now Open
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Microwave Update 2019 Online Registration Now Open

Online registration is now available for Microwave Update 2019. Sponsored by the North Texas Microwave Society, the event will take place October 3 – 5 at…

Netherlands IARU Member-Society Reports “Disappointing Response” on 144 – 146 MHz Threat
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Netherlands IARU Member-Society Reports “Disappointing Response” on 144 – 146 MHz Threat

The Netherlands International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society VERON reports a “disappointing response” from national regulator Agentschap Telecom to a call from Dutch radio amateurs…

Il DX con ARI-Sanremo !
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Il DX con ARI-Sanremo !

Fonte: AIR Radiorama

Guida al porting LabVIEW Embedded per ARM
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Guida al porting LabVIEW Embedded per ARM

L’architettura del processore ARM RISC a 32-bit sviluppata da ARM Limited è ampiamente utilizzata in diversi progetti embedded per via del prezzo contenuto, basso consumo e per la…

Radioddity GD-77 Custom Firmware – OpenGD77
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Radioddity GD-77 Custom Firmware – OpenGD77

News from Roger Clark in Australia of a new custom firmware for the Radioddity GD-77 DMR Radio. “I’m extremely pleased to announce that the open…

Micro a 8 bit o ARM?
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Micro a 8 bit o ARM?

Visti i livelli raggiunti dalla tecnologia, le architetture ARM stanno soppiantando l’uso dei microcontrollori a 8 bit. Ecco i motivi. Oggi le nostre vite sono intrise…

EME SSTV Lunar Landing Commemorative Event Set
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EME SSTV Lunar Landing Commemorative Event Set

Moonbounce enthusiasts are invited to take part in a commemorative Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) slow-scan television (SSTV) party on 23 centimeters, marking the 50th anniversary of the…

MCU basate su ARM Cortex-M3
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MCU basate su ARM Cortex-M3

Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe entra nel mercato dei microcontroller embedded basati sul core ARM® con la sua famiglia a 32 bit ‘FM3’ di MCU basate su…

Le tecnologie di rilevamento per le infrastrutture stradali
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Le tecnologie di rilevamento per le infrastrutture stradali

Numerose tecnologie di rilevamento affrontano gli impegnativi problemi del monitoraggio della infrastruttura stradale, compreso il controllo delle intersezioni, il tracciamento della velocità, il conteggio dei…

Il Master di ARI-Pinerolo
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Il Master di ARI-Pinerolo

La Sezione ARI di Pinerolo, assieme alle sezioni ARI di Ivrea e di Torino, è partner dell’edizione 2019 degli EMG European Master Games, una manifestazione…

Ecco come è andato il Referendum
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Ecco come è andato il Referendum

Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare documenti e organigramma in area riservata ai verbali del CDN

Verbale riunione C.D.N. del 15/07/19
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Verbale riunione C.D.N. del 15/07/19

Disponibile, in area riservata al CDN, il Verbale della riunione C.D.N. del 15 Luglio 2019

A Cycle 25 Storm Launch & Aurora Highlights: Solar Storm Forecast 07-18-2019
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A Cycle 25 Storm Launch & Aurora Highlights: Solar Storm Forecast 07-18-2019

News Centenarian Radio Amateur’s Efforts Helped Pave the Way to the Moon July 18, 2019 No comments The Nashville Tennessean newspaper recently featured the story of a 104-year-old…

New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4
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New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4

The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO Summer Party is “Premiering FT4.” This is not a contest but an on-the-air radio gathering…

Centenarian Radio Amateur’s Efforts Helped Pave the Way to the Moon
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Centenarian Radio Amateur’s Efforts Helped Pave the Way to the Moon

The Nashville Tennessean newspaper recently featured the story of a 104-year-old ARRL member who contributed to NASA’s effort to put the first humans on the moon 50 years…

Antenna Polarization [ ARRL PODCAST ]
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Antenna Polarization [ ARRL PODCAST ]

 Your antenna’s polarization can make a big difference in how well you can hear, and be heard — especially on VHF and up.  …