Giorno: 1 Agosto 2019

Modulazione FSK con PIC 10F
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Modulazione FSK con PIC 10F

La modulazione FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying) è una delle modulazioni più semplici che possono essere utilizzate sia in ambito hobbistico che in ambito professionale per la trasmissione di un segnale…

Free HPM 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now Available
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Free HPM 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now Available

Scott Davis, N3FJP, perhaps best known for the ARRL Field Day software that bears his call sign, has developed a free logging program for ARRL’s Happy…

ARISS Next Generation Radio System Completes Critical Flight Certification Tests
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ARISS Next Generation Radio System Completes Critical Flight Certification Tests

The Interoperable Radio System (IORS), ARISS’ next generation radio system successfully completed a battery of stressful tests required as part of the final certification of…