Giorno: 3 Agosto 2019

Signal Integrity: cos’è e quando preoccuparsene
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Signal Integrity: cos’è e quando preoccuparsene

Considerare una segnale digitale coma un’onda quadra ideale è solo un’approssimazione che non sempre è applicabile. Ecco cosa succede in realtà. Tutti ci rendiamo conto che considerare un…

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 A large hourglass-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Aug. 5th-6th. NOAA…

WRC-19: request to support 50MHz
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WRC-19: request to support 50MHz

As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of a positive approach to Agenda Item 1.1 concerning the future of…

ML&S Introduce the Radio Analog PTRX7300
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ML&S Introduce the Radio Analog PTRX7300

Antenna 3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m) July 26, 2019 No comments An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 50/70MHz with 1.2m boom Model: DB-664 A…