Giorno: 5 Agosto 2019

Alimentatori per FPGA
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Alimentatori per FPGA

Esempi pratici di progettazione di alimentatori utilizzando il tool WEBENCH FPGA Power Architect di National Semiconductor. La presenza negli odierni FPGA di un gran numero…

Visit to DX Engineering
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Visit to DX Engineering

Antenna Icom Mobile Antennas AH-760 and AH-740 (1.6MHz–29.999MHz ) January 05, 2015 No comments Icom Mobile Antennas AH-760, Wide Frequency Heavy-Duty Moving Coil Antenna 200W…

Marissa Robledo, W4AQT, Named 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham
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Marissa Robledo, W4AQT, Named 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham

The ARRL Alabama Section Manager, JVann Martin Sr, W4JVM, shared exciting news about our youth involvement in Amateur Radio! This year, the ARRL Alabama Youth…

Freedom Cannon The Most Insane Ham Radio Antenna Launcher Ever | K6UDA Radio
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Freedom Cannon The Most Insane Ham Radio Antenna Launcher Ever | K6UDA Radio

Digital Modes New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4 July 18, 2019 No comments The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO Summer…

AMSAT and ARISS designing amateur radio system for Lunar Gateway
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AMSAT and ARISS designing amateur radio system for Lunar Gateway

As announced at the AMSAT Forun at the Dayton Hamvention, AMSAT and ARISS are working on the design of a ham radio system for NASA’s Lunar Gateway The Gateway will…