Giorno: 7 Agosto 2019

Un orologio per flipper
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Un orologio per flipper

I display vintage attirano sicuramente l’attenzione, non solo perché sono belli. In questo progetto vengono combinati dispositivi vintage degli anni ’60 con il Wi-Fi del…

Arizona ARES Volunteers Support Communication during Arizona Wildland Fire
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Arizona ARES Volunteers Support Communication during Arizona Wildland Fire

Members of the Coconino County Amateur Radio Club (CARC) in Arizona activated on July 21 as winds accelerated the Museum Fire beyond 50 acres, triggering…

ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s
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ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s

ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s ARRL member Eric Knight, KB1EHE, played a role in the development of an RF-based…

DXmini Updates | Pi-star DMR/Dstar/Fusion Hotspot
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DXmini Updates | Pi-star DMR/Dstar/Fusion Hotspot

“Since my first video on the DXmini Hotspot for DMR / Fusion / DSTAR, there have been some updates to Pi-star itself, and some firmware…