Giorno: 21 Agosto 2019

Automazione industriale: in attesa del 5G
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Automazione industriale: in attesa del 5G

Da molti anni argomento tra i più “caldi” nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, il 5G è in dirittura d’arrivo: già nel 2018 alcuni operatori statunitensi come…

V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products
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V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products

“We are pleased to announce the availability of V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products….

ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts
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ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts

Following the direction of the ARRL Board of Directors, ARRL has incorporated changes to the rules for all ARRL-sponsored contests and DXCC, prohibiting automated contacts….

Happy 150! The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration!
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Happy 150! The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration!

As announced in September 2019 QST – page 86   This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the League’s first president and cofounder,…

Alexanderson Alternator Station SAQ Hails “Incredible” Number of Listener Reports
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Alexanderson Alternator Station SAQ Hails “Incredible” Number of Listener Reports

Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator station SAQ says it received 438 listener reports — “an incredible amount” — for its June 30 Alexanderson Day transmissions. The list included five reports from…