Mese: Agosto 2019

Promise of a Solar Storm & Satellite Environment Check-In | Space Weather News 08.22.2019
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Promise of a Solar Storm & Satellite Environment Check-In | Space Weather News 08.22.2019

Antenna Antennas for Difficult Situations: Ask Dave Episode 7 June 22, 2016 No comments     Read more SteppIR UrbanBeam, “Step by Step” Assembly and…

Unboxing the AnyTone 878PLUS by David Casler
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Unboxing the AnyTone 878PLUS by David Casler

VHF Should a Baofeng be your First Ham Radio – Ham Radio Q&A August 12, 2019 No comments “The Baofeng UV5R. Some have called them…

FCC issues ,000 + Forfeiture Order against man from North Carolina
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FCC issues $39,000 + Forfeiture Order against man from North Carolina

The WIA report the FCC has issued a $39,000 + Forfeiture Order against a man from North Carolina, for intentional misuse of a local public…

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Non si intende parlare qui dell’animale sacro agli Antichi Egizi, naturalmente, ma di uno strumento per verificare la Signal Integrity dei nostri progetti senza costruire prototipi. IBIS è infatti l’acronimo…

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Si svolgerà a Firenze, dal 30 agosto al 1° settembre, presso il campo della Società organizzatrice Arcieri Città di Firenze Ugo di Toscana (via dei…

EB104 HF Power Amplifier – 2,4KW water cooling system 5″ LCD touch screen for N0JSN
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EB104 HF Power Amplifier – 2,4KW water cooling system 5″ LCD touch screen for N0JSN

HF/6m linear amplifier 2400W MRF1K50H 2 pcs water cooling system 5″ LCD touch screen for N0JSN   Review Yaesu 891 + WSJT + FT8 Digital…

Inter-American Proposal Removes 47 – 47.2 GHz from Bands under Study for 5G Services
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Inter-American Proposal Removes 47 – 47.2 GHz from Bands under Study for 5G Services

The 34th meeting of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) Permanent Consultative Committee II (PCC.II) concluded a week of meetings on August 16 in Ottawa, Canada, in advance of…

Automazione industriale: in attesa del 5G
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Automazione industriale: in attesa del 5G

Da molti anni argomento tra i più “caldi” nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, il 5G è in dirittura d’arrivo: già nel 2018 alcuni operatori statunitensi come…

V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products
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V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products

“We are pleased to announce the availability of V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products….

ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts
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ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts

Following the direction of the ARRL Board of Directors, ARRL has incorporated changes to the rules for all ARRL-sponsored contests and DXCC, prohibiting automated contacts….

Happy 150! The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration!
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Happy 150! The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration!

As announced in September 2019 QST – page 86   This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the League’s first president and cofounder,…

Alexanderson Alternator Station SAQ Hails “Incredible” Number of Listener Reports
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Alexanderson Alternator Station SAQ Hails “Incredible” Number of Listener Reports

Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator station SAQ says it received 438 listener reports — “an incredible amount” — for its June 30 Alexanderson Day transmissions. The list included five reports from…

Smart city e automazione
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Smart city e automazione

L’automazione è un tema chiave emergente per le aziende di ogni tipo. Oggi assistiamo a un’ondata di trasformazioni digitali che investono industrie come la produzione,…

Amplificatori audio integrati
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Amplificatori audio integrati

Gli amplificatori audio integrati consentono di realizzare, con l’aggiunta di pochi componenti esterni, applicazioni audio diverse tra loro per potenza, efficienza, prestazioni, funzionalità e controllabilità, assicurando compattezza ed…

Thunderpole T3000 Overview
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Thunderpole T3000 Overview

Thunderpole have released more information about their upcoming radio the T3000 which takes CB radio in a new direction here in the UK. The radio…

Pirates On US Navy Satellites – UHF SatCom
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Pirates On US Navy Satellites – UHF SatCom

Here we take a look at how to listen to the Brazillian Pirates on UHF SatCom Equipment NEW LNA + FILTER FOR RADIO ASTRONOMY HYDROGEN…

Cable replacement in 422/485 con Bluetooth
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Cable replacement in 422/485 con Bluetooth

 Una delle principali applicazioni del Bluetooth in campo industriale è sicuramente il cable replacement in connessioni RS422/485. Ecco la soluzione Sena Technologies per questo tipo di applicazione. Con l’avvento della tecnologia…

Yaesu 891 + WSJT + FT8 Digital on Raspberry Pi 4
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Yaesu 891 + WSJT + FT8 Digital on Raspberry Pi 4

News FCC Dismisses ARRL, AMSAT Requests in Small Satellite Proceeding August 16, 2019 No comments An FCC Report and Order (R&O) released August 2 in the so-called…

EEPROM emulator library for PIC32
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EEPROM emulator library for PIC32

Il nome PIC, inizialmente acronimo di Programmable Intelligent Computer (Calcolatore Intelligente Programmabile), è diventato successivamente, grazie a Microchip, PICmicro. Oggi non viene più utilizzato come…

FCC Dismisses ARRL, AMSAT Requests in Small Satellite Proceeding
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FCC Dismisses ARRL, AMSAT Requests in Small Satellite Proceeding

An FCC Report and Order (R&O) released August 2 in the so-called “small satellite” rulemaking proceeding, IB Docket 18-86, failed to address concerns expressed by ARRL and…

2 Meter Sharing Proposal is on CEPT Conference Preparatory Group Agenda
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2 Meter Sharing Proposal is on CEPT Conference Preparatory Group Agenda

The final European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) meeting prior to World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) gets under way…

Wouxun KG-UV980P Quad Band First Look
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Wouxun KG-UV980P Quad Band First Look

VHF Should a Baofeng be your First Ham Radio – Ham Radio Q&A August 12, 2019 No comments “The Baofeng UV5R. Some have called them…

Australian Radio Amateur Reports First FT8 Contact on 122 GHz
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Australian Radio Amateur Reports First FT8 Contact on 122 GHz

In Australia, Roland Lang, VK4FB, and Stefan Durtschi, VK4CSD, completed what is being claimed as the world’s first FT8 contact on 122 GHz. The distance…

Riduttori industriali per la modulazione di potenza e la trasmissione del moto
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Riduttori industriali per la modulazione di potenza e la trasmissione del moto

Il livello sempre più spinto di automazione industriale fa si’ che la maggior parte dei processi e delle lavorazioni siano completamente meccanizzate e vengano svolte…

A Coronal Hole Blows, A Perseid Shower, & Mars: Solar Storm Forecast 08-15-2019
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A Coronal Hole Blows, A Perseid Shower, & Mars: Solar Storm Forecast 08-15-2019

Antenna The Legendary G5RV Antenna – ARRL The Doctor is In podcast August 15, 2019 No comments “The Legendary G5RV Antenna” is the topic of…