Mese: Agosto 2019

La Virgola Mobile
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La Virgola Mobile

In questo articolo si vedrà come gestire i numeri in virgola mobile, in un sistema sprovvisto di librerie matematiche decimali o floating-point. L’applicazione principale esaminata sarà quella della conversione…

*NEW* Thunderpole Tease T3000 CB Radio
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*NEW* Thunderpole Tease T3000 CB Radio

So today Thunderpole are teasing their new CB Radio, the T3000, which they say is “Like No Other”…. Well I think it’s a lot like…

President McKinley EU £199.95 at Nevada
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President McKinley EU £199.95 at Nevada

This weekend, whilst stocks last!!! LINK When the radio first became available it was £279.99 I said straight away that they needed to take at…

FCC Fines North Carolina Man for Unauthorized and Misleading Public Safety Transmissions
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FCC Fines North Carolina Man for Unauthorized and Misleading Public Safety Transmissions

The FCC this week issued a $39,278 Forfeiture Order against Ocean Hinson of Surry County, North Carolina, for intentional misuse of a local public safety radio communications…

RigExpert AA-230 Antenna Analyzer Unboxing and Initial
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RigExpert AA-230 Antenna Analyzer Unboxing and Initial

The RigExpert AA-230 Zoom analyzer is designed for measuring SWR (standing wave ratio), return loss, cable loss, as well as other parameters of cable and…

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NooElec have recently released a new LNA + filter combo called the “SAWbird+ H1 Barebones” which significantly lowers the entry bar for new amateur radio astronomers. It’s designed…

Riconoscimento facciale con il Raspberry Pi
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Riconoscimento facciale con il Raspberry Pi

Il riconoscimento facciale, o face detection, è sicuramente una tra le tecniche di intelligenza artificiale maggiormente apprezzata e in grado di destare interesse o curiosità…

Un’applicazione con Webcam USB
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Un’applicazione con Webcam USB

Il bus USB (Universal Serial Bus) si sta diffondendo rapidamente nel settore delle applicazioni multimediali. Si tratta di una tecnologia che può essere utilizzata per archiviare immagini statiche…

How Napoleon’s semaphore telegraph changed the world
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How Napoleon’s semaphore telegraph changed the world

By Hugh SchofieldBBC News, Modane, France Napoleonic semaphore was the world’s first telegraph network, carrying messages across 19h-Century France faster than ever before. Now a…

Weather Proofing and UV protection on your Coaxial Cable
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Weather Proofing and UV protection on your Coaxial Cable

Antenna 3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m) July 26, 2019 No comments An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 50/70MHz with 1.2m boom Model: DB-664 A…

Yaesu FT3D First look at the new Handheld
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Yaesu FT3D First look at the new Handheld

VHF WRC-19: request to support 50MHz August 02, 2019 No comments As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of…

King Hussein JY1 Speaks to Owen Garriott on Shuttle Columbia
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King Hussein JY1 Speaks to Owen Garriott on Shuttle Columbia

Antenna Building the 6 Meter Moxon Antenna February 10, 2015 No comments Building the 6 Meter Moxon Antenna As the late spring and summer months…

Un orologio per flipper
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Un orologio per flipper

I display vintage attirano sicuramente l’attenzione, non solo perché sono belli. In questo progetto vengono combinati dispositivi vintage degli anni ’60 con il Wi-Fi del…

Arizona ARES Volunteers Support Communication during Arizona Wildland Fire
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Arizona ARES Volunteers Support Communication during Arizona Wildland Fire

Members of the Coconino County Amateur Radio Club (CARC) in Arizona activated on July 21 as winds accelerated the Museum Fire beyond 50 acres, triggering…

ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s
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ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s

ARRL Member Had Role in Promising RF Treatment Device for Alzheimer’s ARRL member Eric Knight, KB1EHE, played a role in the development of an RF-based…

DXmini Updates | Pi-star DMR/Dstar/Fusion Hotspot
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DXmini Updates | Pi-star DMR/Dstar/Fusion Hotspot

“Since my first video on the DXmini Hotspot for DMR / Fusion / DSTAR, there have been some updates to Pi-star itself, and some firmware…

Tutti i trends del mercato Automation
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Tutti i trends del mercato Automation

Il mercato globale dell’automazione è in crescita esponenziale. Spazia dall’automazione industriale all’automazione nella domotica, e vanta una costante ricerca tecnologica che ne determina la sua…

First UK 288 GHz CW QSO
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First UK 288 GHz CW QSO

” First UK 288 GHz CW contact Video of the first UK two-way CW contact at 288 GHz which took place at Higham in Kent…

FCC Seeks Electronics Engineer in Enforcement Bureau
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FCC Seeks Electronics Engineer in Enforcement Bureau

The FCC is seeking to hire an electronics engineer for a full-time, permanent position at the Commission’s Enforcement Bureau, Office of Field Director in Columbia,…

Alimentatori per FPGA
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Alimentatori per FPGA

Esempi pratici di progettazione di alimentatori utilizzando il tool WEBENCH FPGA Power Architect di National Semiconductor. La presenza negli odierni FPGA di un gran numero…

Visit to DX Engineering
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Visit to DX Engineering

Antenna Icom Mobile Antennas AH-760 and AH-740 (1.6MHz–29.999MHz ) January 05, 2015 No comments Icom Mobile Antennas AH-760, Wide Frequency Heavy-Duty Moving Coil Antenna 200W…

Marissa Robledo, W4AQT, Named 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham
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Marissa Robledo, W4AQT, Named 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham

The ARRL Alabama Section Manager, JVann Martin Sr, W4JVM, shared exciting news about our youth involvement in Amateur Radio! This year, the ARRL Alabama Youth…

Freedom Cannon The Most Insane Ham Radio Antenna Launcher Ever | K6UDA Radio
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Freedom Cannon The Most Insane Ham Radio Antenna Launcher Ever | K6UDA Radio

Digital Modes New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4 July 18, 2019 No comments The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO Summer…

AMSAT and ARISS designing amateur radio system for Lunar Gateway
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AMSAT and ARISS designing amateur radio system for Lunar Gateway

As announced at the AMSAT Forun at the Dayton Hamvention, AMSAT and ARISS are working on the design of a ham radio system for NASA’s Lunar Gateway The Gateway will…

Scheda di sviluppo con porta USB
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Scheda di sviluppo con porta USB

Dopo tanti circuiti complessi e articolati, abbiamo pensato di proporre una semplice scheda di sviluppo con cui ogni lettore può testare le funzionalità dei microcontrollori PIC a 8…