Considerare una segnale digitale coma un’onda quadra ideale è solo un’approssimazione che non sempre è applicabile. Ecco cosa succede in realtà. Tutti ci rendiamo conto che considerare un…
A large hourglass-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Aug. 5th-6th. NOAA…
As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of a positive approach to Agenda Item 1.1 concerning the future of…
A causa della diminuzione delle riserve di petrolio, dell’aumento dei livelli di inquinamento e dei pericoli legati al surriscaldamento globale, la mobilità elettrica è divenuta…
News ARISS Owen Garriott Commemorative SSTV Event Under Way August 01, 2019 No comments Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is celebrating the…
Equipment PTRX-7300 Panorama Adaptor for the IC-7300 July 24, 2019 No comments A panorama adapter for the IC-7300? What’s the point, you might ask, the…
Different tools for different applications. The Doctor explains the differences. Review Using the MFJ-1708SDR To Have A Wide Band Pan-adapter August 01,…
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is celebrating the life and accomplishments of astronaut, scientist, and Amateur Radio pioneer Owen Garriott, W5LFL (SK),…
La modulazione FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying) è una delle modulazioni più semplici che possono essere utilizzate sia in ambito hobbistico che in ambito professionale per la trasmissione di un segnale…
Scott Davis, N3FJP, perhaps best known for the ARRL Field Day software that bears his call sign, has developed a free logging program for ARRL’s Happy…
The Interoperable Radio System (IORS), ARISS’ next generation radio system successfully completed a battery of stressful tests required as part of the final certification of…
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