Giorno: 20 Settembre 2019

La Blockchain rivoluziona le comunicazioni tra veicoli a guida autonoma
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La Blockchain rivoluziona le comunicazioni tra veicoli a guida autonoma

Grazie ai progressi legati all’apprendimento automatico e in seguito alla diffusione su larga scala delle smart city, molte aziende tecnologiche e case automobilistiche stanno investendo…

President Taylor IV @ Knights
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President Taylor IV @ Knights

Doug @ Knights here in the UK has announced that the new President Taylor IV is now in stock, priced at £159.00 LINK: CLICK HERE…

Un Enigma che si rinnova
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Un Enigma che si rinnova

Per maggiori informazioni cliccare sulla locandina Fonte: ARI Fidenza

ARRL Seeking Emergency Management Director
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ARRL Seeking Emergency Management Director

ARRL is seeking an emergency management director to oversee a team responsible for supporting ARRL emergency communication programs and services, including the Amateur Radio Emergency…

Nevada ARES/RACES Members Deploy for “Storm Area 51” Event
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Nevada ARES/RACES Members Deploy for “Storm Area 51” Event

A social media joke early this summer setting up a “Storm Area 51, they Can’t Stop Us All” group now has spiraled into emergency declarations…