Mese: Settembre 2019

International Space Station Contact 24/09/2019
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International Space Station Contact 24/09/2019

Quartu Sant Elena con scambio
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Quartu Sant Elena con scambio

ARRL Thanks Official Observers, as Volunteer Monitor Program is Set to Debut
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ARRL Thanks Official Observers, as Volunteer Monitor Program is Set to Debut

As the September 30 date for the closing of the Official Observer program nears, ARRL has expressed deep appreciation to the hundreds of volunteers who…

Retevis RT98 UHF Micro Mobile Transceiver Overview
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Retevis RT98 UHF Micro Mobile Transceiver Overview

Retevis RT98 Mini Mobile Radio UHF 400-490MHz Transceiver 15W Two Way Radio This mini amateur mobile radio especially designs for drivers and it pursues company philosophy…

I connettori M8 per sensori e automazione presentano 12 contatti
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I connettori M8 per sensori e automazione presentano 12 contatti

Grazie all’introduzione di una versione a 12 contatti, l’ambito d’applicazione con sensori e automazione dei connettori M8 di binder si è largamente ampliato. Secondo binder,…

Le periferiche del micro AVR UC32
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Le periferiche del micro AVR UC32

Una panoramica delle periferiche presenti a bordo dei microcontrollori Atmel AVR UC32. UC3 è la famiglia di microcontrollori AVR  a  32  bit di Atmel per…

International Space Station Contact 23/09/2019
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International Space Station Contact 23/09/2019

International Space Station Contacts 23rd/24th September 2019
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International Space Station Contacts 23rd/24th September 2019

Two Amateur Radio contacts this week with the International Space Station: OR4ISS (Nick Hague KG5TMV) – 89 deg – (TB) ON4ISS (NIH, Bethesda, MD) WhenMon,…

Radio Club of America (RCA) Announces its 2019 Award Recipients and Fellows
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Radio Club of America (RCA) Announces its 2019 Award Recipients and Fellows

The Radio Club of America (RCA) has announced its 2019 award recipients and fellows. Many of those being recognized are radio amateurs. Honorees will be…

Ferriti: facciamo conoscenza
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Ferriti: facciamo conoscenza

Ci serviremo di SPICE (nella versione LTspice) per esplorare il comportamento di questi componenti e visualizzarne la risposta in frequenza. LTspice, il programma di simulazione generosamente…

Wouxun KG-UVN1 DMR Radio Review
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Wouxun KG-UVN1 DMR Radio Review

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave takes a look at the new Wouxun KG-UVN DMR handheld radio….  Features: 3072 Channels 250 Zones 255 Receiving Groups 160,000 Contacts Full…

Retevis RT98 Mobile UHF Transceiver
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Retevis RT98 Mobile UHF Transceiver

Video:YouTube/Ringway Manchester Lewis, M3HHY, takes a look at this tiny little radio from Retevis…

The North East Net 18/09/2019
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The North East Net 18/09/2019

Video:YouTube/26CTX2500 All of the action from The North East Net on 18/09/2019….

DR9A  – VHF – UHF – Super Contest station [ Video ]
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DR9A – VHF – UHF – Super Contest station [ Video ]

News Opening on 144 MHz from the Azores QSO´S over 3,000kms September 20, 2019 No comments On the evening of the 14th and the morning of the 15th…

Processore ARM Cortex A9
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Processore ARM Cortex A9

Il processore ARM Cortex-A9 si distingue per un livello di prestazioni e di efficienza energetica senza precedenti, proponendosi come la soluzione ideale per tutte le applicazioni in cui…

ICOM IC-9700 Review and Full Walk Through
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ICOM IC-9700 Review and Full Walk Through

  Antenna New Antenna Uses Saltwater and Plastic to Steer Radio Beams September 21, 2019 in: Antenna No comments Liquid-based antennas offer unique advantages over…

New Antenna Uses Saltwater and Plastic to Steer Radio Beams
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New Antenna Uses Saltwater and Plastic to Steer Radio Beams

Liquid-based antennas offer unique advantages over metal ones By Michelle Hampson A new antenna that uses saltwater and plastic instead of metal to shape radio signals…

Conversione digitale-analogico in PWM
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Conversione digitale-analogico in PWM

Con la tecnica del PWM si possono ottenere molti risultati. In questo articolo si vedrà come convertire un valore digitale in analogico, ovvero come ottenere un qualsiasi valore…

Settimana Nazionale Protezione Civile-Un invito anche elle nostre Sezioni
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Settimana Nazionale Protezione Civile-Un invito anche elle nostre Sezioni

Per scaricare il documento completo in PDF cliccare sull’immagine

Opening on 144 MHz from the Azores QSO´S over 3,000kms
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Opening on 144 MHz from the Azores QSO´S over 3,000kms

On the evening of the 14th and the morning of the 15th of September 2019, there was a very good tropo opening on 144 MHz from the Azore Islands in…

La Blockchain rivoluziona le comunicazioni tra veicoli a guida autonoma
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La Blockchain rivoluziona le comunicazioni tra veicoli a guida autonoma

Grazie ai progressi legati all’apprendimento automatico e in seguito alla diffusione su larga scala delle smart city, molte aziende tecnologiche e case automobilistiche stanno investendo…

President Taylor IV @ Knights
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President Taylor IV @ Knights

Doug @ Knights here in the UK has announced that the new President Taylor IV is now in stock, priced at £159.00 LINK: CLICK HERE…

Un Enigma che si rinnova
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Un Enigma che si rinnova

Per maggiori informazioni cliccare sulla locandina Fonte: ARI Fidenza

ARRL Seeking Emergency Management Director
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ARRL Seeking Emergency Management Director

ARRL is seeking an emergency management director to oversee a team responsible for supporting ARRL emergency communication programs and services, including the Amateur Radio Emergency…

Nevada ARES/RACES Members Deploy for “Storm Area 51” Event
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Nevada ARES/RACES Members Deploy for “Storm Area 51” Event

A social media joke early this summer setting up a “Storm Area 51, they Can’t Stop Us All” group now has spiraled into emergency declarations…