Mese: Settembre 2019

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Blockchain per la prossima generazione di veicoli

Gli Autonomous Driving Vehicles sono in grado di percepire il loro ambiente e gestire la navigazione senza la necessità di ricevere input umani. La tecnologia…

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Buddipole PowerPlus | Rugged Portable DC Power Management System

DESCRIPTION Rugged Portable DC Power Management System with built-in High-Efficiency Battery Charger! > High contrast OLED display> Power management includes current and voltage readout and…

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ARRL Renews Request for FCC to Replace Symbol Rate with Bandwidth Limit

ARRL Renews Request for FCC to Replace Symbol Rate with Bandwidth Limit In ex parte comments filed on September 17 in WT Docket 16-239, ARRL renewed its request…

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Building a Delta Loop Antenna For The 30m Band, Part 1.

“Since my 6m Delta Loop seems to work pretty well I decided to build one for the 30m band to be used with my Spiderbeam…

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Man climbs 400-foot TV tower at WKMG News 6 in Orlando

ORLANDO, Fla. — OrlaThe man has climbed the tower outside of the WKMG studios on John Young Parkway.ndo police have been called to a local…

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Festival of Frequency Measurement Set to Honor WWV Centennial

HamSCI and the Case Amateur Radio Club of Case Western Reserve University (W8EDU) will sponsor a “Festival of Frequency Measurement” on WWV’s centennial, October 1,…

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La CISSOID ha lanciato i nuovi circuiti integrati per uso automotive per alte temperature

La CISSOID, leader nei semiconduttori ad alta temperatura per i mercati più esigenti, ha presentato i nuovi circuiti integrati automobilistici. Questi prodotti fanno parte della…

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Realizzare una bobina in casa dal valore ESATTO

Le bobine sono componenti elettronici da autocostruire, poiché sul mercato difficilmente si trovano esemplari che soddisfino esattamente le esigenze del progettista. In questa guida vedremo…

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The Big Net 2019

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News of an event to help promote the use of Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio bands: AM QSO PARTY 2020 Operating Event on the…

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End Summer Camp 2019

L’ ESC è un evento che raduna persone interessate a software libero, hacking, maker e informatici.Come sempre ARI Mestre coglie l’occasione di non mancare a…

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Mercatino Castellazzo Bormida

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Mostra Scambio a Casale Monferrato

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Amateur Radio CubeSats among 15 Set to Launch on October 21 from Wallops Island

Other satellites announced for the ELaNa 25 launch include Argus (St. Louis University), 437 MHz telemetry; AzTechSat-1 (NASA Ames Research Center) 437 MHz telemetry; CySat…

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DR4020 Dual band Digital QRP radio

A simple QRP digital transceiver.          — Fully assembled and tested– Perfect for outdoor digital radio contacts,such as FT8,FT4,JT65 etc. Band: 20m…

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Le nuove frontiere del mercato automotive

Il mercato globale del settore automotive continua ad affrontare sfide importanti. Molte sono direzioni di cambiamento già radicate, altre sono in fase di sperimentazione e…

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Si scambia a Vimercate

Siamo arrivati alla quinta edizione! Abbiamo organizzato la prima edizione, nel 2015, per festeggiare i 50 anni della nostra Sezione. In quell’occasione, si sono unite, partecipando…

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Report: North Korea Testing Digital Broadcasting on 80 Meters

Radio World reports that the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) has resumed testing digital radio broadcasting on the 80-meter amateur band after a 2-year absence….

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Alla scoperta dell’RFID

Economica, sicura ed efficace, la tecnologia RFID è uno standard adottato per l’identificazione di persone, cose o animali tramite l’invio di apposite informazioni mediante onde radio. La Radio Frequency…

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WWV and WWVH to Broadcast Defense Department WWV Centennial Greeting, Special Event Reminder

Starting on Monday, September 16, WWV and WWVH will broadcast a US Department of Defense message to mark the centennial of WWV and to announce…

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Yaesu FTDX101D / Icom IC-7610 Comparison

WWV and WWVH to Broadcast Defense Department WWV Centennial Greeting, Special Event Reminder September 15, 2019 No comments Starting on Monday, September 16, WWV and…

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Sicurezza e Android

Sistemi embedded e mobile device: una comune architettura per due particolari segmenti di mercato ognuno con peculiari caratteristiche tecniche ma dove è possibile trovare tutti i problemi noti in fatto…

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26CTX2500 Activation

Video:YouTube/26CTX2500 Some more UK hilltop DX action from The North West Net including a contact with 68PD116 in Belfast, and the President Grant 2 is sounding…

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Fog On The Tyne Radio Rally 2019

A video from today’s ‘Fog On The Tyne Radio Rally’….

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New version 2.8 of the WSJT DX Aggregator – DXMAPS

New version 2.8 of the WSJT DX Aggregator, that now optionally allows to automatically upload in real time your QSO to the DXMAPS online log.Download…