Mese: Settembre 2019

INRAD W1 Headset with Boom Mic.
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INRAD W1 Headset with Boom Mic.

THE INRAD W1Ham radio never sounded so good! Comfortable over-the-ear earpieces with large diaphragm high response speakers Full stereo reception to allow use with dual…

Siamo di nuovo Technical Partner di Maker Faire Rome 2019
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Siamo di nuovo Technical Partner di Maker Faire Rome 2019

Da venerdì 18 ottobre a domenica 20 si svolgerà presso la Fiera di Roma la settima edizione di Maker Faire, il più grande evento europeo…

Thunderpole T-3000 Review
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Thunderpole T-3000 Review

Video:YouTube/RustySkull Productions Here’s Ben with the first review of the new Thunderpole T-3000 radio….

Sound the All Clear After Aurora: Solar Storm Forecast 09-13-2019
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Sound the All Clear After Aurora: Solar Storm Forecast 09-13-2019

News Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS September 13, 2019 No comments Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), owner and manager of AMPRNet, has announced what’s…

Digital Cables and Connectors we see and use in the Ham Shack
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Digital Cables and Connectors we see and use in the Ham Shack

“Ken, “Digital Dorsey”, KA8OAD talks about various types of USB, HDMI and DVI cables used around the radio shack.” Review Digital Cables and Connectors we…

Chameleon Emmcom III Base Review
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Chameleon Emmcom III Base Review

News Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS September 13, 2019 No comments Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), owner and manager of AMPRNet, has announced what’s…

Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS
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Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS

Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), owner and manager of AMPRNet, has announced what’s being called “a very generous grant” to Amateur Radio on the International Space Station…

FCC Seeks to Streamline its Hearings Process
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FCC Seeks to Streamline its Hearings Process

The FCC is asking for public comments on procedural changes that, if adopted, would streamline many administrative hearings under the Communications Act of 1934, as…

Biffi Italia ha lanciato il nuovo attuatore elettrico ICON3000
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Biffi Italia ha lanciato il nuovo attuatore elettrico ICON3000

La Biffi Italia, uno dei principali produttori al mondo di sistemi di attuazione per valvole a elevate prestazioni, ha presentato ICON3000, la nuova generazione di…

Machine learning con Python: descrizione del codice
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Machine learning con Python: descrizione del codice

Nella prima parte del tutorial sull’uso del linguaggio di programmazione Python per progetti di apprendimento automatico, erano state presentate e commentate le sezioni di codice…

Nine Schools and Organizations Make the Cut for Ham Contacts with ISS Crew
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Nine Schools and Organizations Make the Cut for Ham Contacts with ISS Crew

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has announced that nine schools and organizations have been selected to host Amateur Radio contacts with International…

Lavorazione CNC di materie plastiche
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Lavorazione CNC di materie plastiche

Attualmente nell’industria largamente intesa i dispositivi programmabili, caratterizzati da un’elevata ripetibilità e affidabilità, svolgono un ruolo di elevata importanza. Se si desidera eseguire un elemento…

Bulgarian radio amateurs obtain temporary access to the digital portion of 50 MHz band
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Bulgarian radio amateurs obtain temporary access to the digital portion of 50 MHz band

Written by Alex Carletti Thanks to the effort made by BFRA (Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs), the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) with the Permit No….

ARRL Handbook 2020 (Six-Volume Set)
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ARRL Handbook 2020 (Six-Volume Set)

ARRL Handbook 2020 (Six-Volume Set) Pre-Order Begins September 3, 2019. Shipping early October! The multi-volume set is workbench friendly. It consists of six softcover volumes…

ARRL and IARU President Emeritus Larry Price, W4RA, SK
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ARRL and IARU President Emeritus Larry Price, W4RA, SK

ARRL and International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) President Emeritus Larry E. Price, W4RA, of Statesboro, Georgia, died on September 10. An ARRL Life Member, he…

SMP Sintermetalle Prometheus GmbH ha presentato i suoi filtri CEM “All Mode”
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SMP Sintermetalle Prometheus GmbH ha presentato i suoi filtri CEM “All Mode”

La SMP Sintermetalle Prometheus GmbH ha presentato i suoi filtri CEM “All Mode”. Essi hanno un’elevatissima stabilità in frequenza grazie all’impiego di materiali magnetici sviluppati…

L’importanza dei driver motori
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L’importanza dei driver motori

In quasi tutte le piccole grandi applicazioni robotiche c’è la necessità di “azionare” motori elettrici per il movimento del robot, quale per esempio quello relativo…

Chameleon P-Loop 2 0 Review – Simplicity in antennas
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Chameleon P-Loop 2 0 Review – Simplicity in antennas

VHF Turn your HF transceiver in to a VHF/UHF radio September 10, 2019 No comments Read more Icom IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT Radio September 05, 2019…

Turn your HF transceiver in to a VHF/UHF radio
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Turn your HF transceiver in to a VHF/UHF radio

News Greene County fair board lands long-term deal to host Hamvention September 09, 2019 No comments By Richard Wilson The Fair Board in Greene County…

Machine learning e deep learning
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Machine learning e deep learning

Nel senso più fondamentale, Machine Learning (ML) è un modo per implementare l’intelligenza artificiale (AI o IA). Simile all’IA, l’apprendimento automatico è una branca dell’informatica…

Greene County fair board lands long-term deal to host Hamvention
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Greene County fair board lands long-term deal to host Hamvention

By Richard Wilson The Fair Board in Greene County has struck a long-term agreement to keep hosting the Dayton Hamvention event at the county fairgrounds….

Former Cushcraft President Glen Whitehouse, K1GW, SK
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Former Cushcraft President Glen Whitehouse, K1GW, SK

The former president of the Cushcraft Antenna Company, Glen Whitehouse, K1GW, of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, died on September 5 after a lengthy illness. An ARRL…

Audio facile con il SOMO-14D
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Audio facile con il SOMO-14D

Riprodurre file audio non è mai stato così facile con il SOMO-14D. Dotare il proprio sistema embedded di funzionalità audio può spesso rappresentare un’interessante possibilità. Non…

The Big Net 2019 – It’s Coming!
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The Big Net 2019 – It’s Coming!

World Trade Center Special Event Station
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World Trade Center Special Event Station

Information via Facebook: “The Wireless Association Of New York City will operate special event station WA2NYC September 6 to September 12, 0000Z-0300Z. Frequencies used will…