Mese: Ottobre 2019

Una soluzione per sensori d’immagini 3D di prima qualità dalla Infineon
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Una soluzione per sensori d’immagini 3D di prima qualità dalla Infineon

Le fotocamere per smartphone richiedono sempre più una capacità di visione 3D, come fattore di differenziazione. Infineon Technologies AG ha sviluppato REAL3 IRS2381C, una soluzione…

Diamo nuova vita ai condensatori elettrolitici
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Diamo nuova vita ai condensatori elettrolitici

I condensatori elettrolitici, benché componenti passivi, sono tra i più interessanti e robusti. Con essi si possono eseguire diversi esperimenti di elettronica e di fisica….

Two Solar Cycles at Once & A Big Meteor Nearly Hits | Space Weather News 10.10.2019
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Two Solar Cycles at Once & A Big Meteor Nearly Hits | Space Weather News 10.10.2019

Antenna The QuirkyQRP SlinkTenna Review October 02, 2019 No comments Read more Adjustiwave Antenna – 80m through 2m September 30, 2019 No comments Adjustable 1/4…

HF/6m linear amplifier 1200W with 5″ touch screen control heat pipes cooling system
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HF/6m linear amplifier 1200W with 5″ touch screen control heat pipes cooling system

his a ready power amplifier. You will need a power supply only! Water-cooled hermetically. You can turn the power amplifier. The water will not flow. The power…

BioMEMS: la tecnologia MEMS applicata alla biomedicina
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BioMEMS: la tecnologia MEMS applicata alla biomedicina

La tecnologia MEMS sta riscontrando negli ultimi anni un crescente successo nei settori della biologia, medicina e ingegneria biomedica grazie alla diffusione dei BioMEMS, dispositivi in grado…

Hawaii ARES Leverages Contest Station and Winlink for 2019 Simulated Emergency Test
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Hawaii ARES Leverages Contest Station and Winlink for 2019 Simulated Emergency Test

ARES volunteers in Hawaii took the opportunity of the 2019 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on October 6 (UTC) to test Winlink radio messaging to the US mainland,…

Elecraft KX2  Travel Kit Peter Waters G3OJV
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Elecraft KX2 Travel Kit Peter Waters G3OJV

Antenna The QuirkyQRP SlinkTenna Review October 02, 2019 in: Antenna No comments Read more Adjustiwave Antenna – 80m through 2m September 30, 2019 No comments…

Tokelau Islands ZK3A DXpedition Ceases Operation Early
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Tokelau Islands ZK3A DXpedition Ceases Operation Early

Due to the illness of a ZK3A Tokelau Islands DXpedition team member, the operation has shut down a couple of days ahead of schedule. “ALL TEAM MEMBERS…

Digi-Key ha annunciato una partnership con Directed Energy
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Digi-Key ha annunciato una partnership con Directed Energy

Digi-Key Electronics, distributore globale di componenti elettronici, ha annunciato di aver firmato, con Directed Energy, un accordo esclusivo di partnership per la distribuzione globale. Una collaborazione…

Batteri e dna come hard disk per memorizzare enormi quantità di informazioni
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Batteri e dna come hard disk per memorizzare enormi quantità di informazioni

Pendrive, hard disk, memory card, micro sd, cd e dvd.. Possiamo dire addio a tutte queste memorie di archiviazione? Se è vero, e così sembra,…

Lynyrd Skynyrd Founding Member Larry Junstrom, K4EB, SK
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Lynyrd Skynyrd Founding Member Larry Junstrom, K4EB, SK

Southern Rocker Larry “LJ” Junstrom, K4EB, died on October 6. He was reported to be 70. Junstrom was a founding member and bassist of Lynyrd…

Anna Brummer, N2FER, Feted on her 105th Birthday
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Anna Brummer, N2FER, Feted on her 105th Birthday

When she turned 80, Anna Brummer, N2FER, of Fort Edward, New York, predicted she would live to be 100. On September 27, she topped her…

Il futuro dei smart sensor
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Il futuro dei smart sensor

I sensori svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella tecnologia moderna, in particolare con l’avvento dell’Internet of Things. Entro il 2020 sono attese vendite unitarie di quasi…

MFJ-223 Vector Impedance Antenna Analyzer
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MFJ-223 Vector Impedance Antenna Analyzer

    MFJ-223 1-60 MHz Color Graphic VNA Analyzer Pocket-Size, Incredible Performance! Truly accurate SWR, R, X and Z! This pocket-sized wonder breaks the mold…

N0AX Wins the October QST Cover Plaque Award – Impedance Matching Circuits
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N0AX Wins the October QST Cover Plaque Award – Impedance Matching Circuits

The winning article for the October 2019 QST Cover Plaque award is “About Impedance Matching Circuits” by Ward Silver, NØAX. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the…

SJ2W Contest Station from Above
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SJ2W Contest Station from Above

Review Australian Regulator Reinstates US Amateur Radio License Reciprocity October 01, 2019 No comments The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) reports Australia’s communications regulator ACMA is reinstating…

ISS SSTV Oct 9 and 10 – On Air
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ISS SSTV Oct 9 and 10 – On Air

Russian cosmonauts are expected to activate Slow Scan Television (SSTV) image transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station on October 9 and…

Space Station Contacts 08/10/2019
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Space Station Contacts 08/10/2019

TWO Space Station contacts over Europe this week for your delight…. An educational radio contact is planned with Bampton School, Bampton, United Kingdom, direct via G2LV. The…

L’Editoriale di Ottobre
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L’Editoriale di Ottobre

Il nostro Speciale inno all’applicazioneGabriele Villa, I2VGW Applicazione. Oggi questo termine è spesso sulle nostre labbra, è vero. Ma, a senso unico: si scarica un’applicazione,…

IARU Region 2 agrees to 15m satellite allocation
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IARU Region 2 agrees to 15m satellite allocation

PHOTO: ES5TV The 20th General Assembly of IARU Region 2 in Lima Peru ended on Wednesday, October 3, 2019. Participating in the Assembly were a…

QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver –
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QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver – $40

Have you ever wanted to try the new digital modes on a budget? The QRPGuys DSB Digital Transceiver is a low cost, multiband, DSB transceiver…

FCC Proposes Fining New York Radio Amateur ,000 for Deliberate Interference
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FCC Proposes Fining New York Radio Amateur $17,000 for Deliberate Interference

A New York Radio Amateur — Harold Guretzky, K6DPZ, of Richmond Hill — is facing a $17,000 fine imposed by the FCC. Guretzky was issued…

ADC oltre i 3 GSPS
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ADC oltre i 3 GSPS

Uno sguardo da vicino ai convertitori ADC ultra high-speed di National Semiconductor per applicazioni SDR. I continui progressi nel settore dell’elettronica, soprattutto per quanto concerne le…

Moduli SoM IoT e Industry 4.0 per l’integrazione in ambienti LINUX
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Moduli SoM IoT e Industry 4.0 per l’integrazione in ambienti LINUX

La PORT ha ampliato la propria offerta SoM (System on Module) per applicazioni di comunicazione in tempo reale da utilizzare su Linux. I moduli SoM…

IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest
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IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest

The IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest will be held this weekend on 5 and 6 October 2019. The contest starts at 14.00 UTC….