Giorno: 12 Novembre 2019

Ottimizzazione del codice firmware
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Ottimizzazione del codice firmware

Le skills dello sviluppatore non sono solo le abilità nello scrivere codice sorgente, ma un bravo sviluppatore deve possedere anche capacità di analisi critica su…

Student satellite hardware developments at Surrey Space Centre – Dr Chris Bridges (M0IEB)
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Student satellite hardware developments at Surrey Space Centre – Dr Chris Bridges (M0IEB)

Antenna 5 Elements wire yagi for 80m November 11, 2019 No comments There were a lot of questions on wirebeam yagi on 80m. Here is…

5 Elements wire yagi for 80m
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5 Elements wire yagi for 80m

There were a lot of questions on wirebeam yagi on 80m. Here is a diagram. This is used on RL3A, K1LZ and similar on EW6W…

WRC-19 Day 9 and 10: Satellites, 50 MHz and 1240-1300 MHz
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WRC-19 Day 9 and 10: Satellites, 50 MHz and 1240-1300 MHz

The RSGB have released a report on days 9 and 10 of the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from October…