Giorno: 23 Novembre 2019

Algoritmi di compressione dati
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Algoritmi di compressione dati

La sempre maggiore disponibilità di interfacce per lo scambio dati, e le reti prese d’assalto con l’espansione dell’utilizzo dei dispositivi portatili, rende necessario realizzare condivisioni dati veloci ed efficaci, in grado…

WRC-19 Update: Small Satellites and the 1240-1300 MHz band
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WRC-19 Update: Small Satellites and the 1240-1300 MHz band

WRC-19 entered its final week with effort aimed at pinning down the remaining difficult items, including the future agenda for WRC-23 and WRC-27; and preparing…

ARRL Legislative Advocacy Committee Drafting New Bill Addressing Antenna Restrictions
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ARRL Legislative Advocacy Committee Drafting New Bill Addressing Antenna Restrictions

The ARRL Board of Directors Legislative Advocacy Committee is in the process of drafting a new bill to address the issue of private land-use restrictions…

Homebrew: RTL-SDR Receiver with Arduino-powered knobs on a Pipo X8 Mini PC running HDSDR, May 2017
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Homebrew: RTL-SDR Receiver with Arduino-powered knobs on a Pipo X8 Mini PC running HDSDR, May 2017

Digital Modes New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4 July 18, 2019 No comments The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO Summer…