Giorno: 28 Novembre 2019

Esiste un limite alle nostre capacità visive?
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Esiste un limite alle nostre capacità visive?

Non molto tempo fa abbiamo iniziato a ragionare della nostra capacità visiva. Partendo, infatti, dalla domanda “esiste un limite oltre il quale il nostro occhio…

Upcoming Space Station Contact 07/12/2019
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Upcoming Space Station Contact 07/12/2019

An educational radio contact is planned with B. Pascal Institute – Public School, Rome, Italy, direct via IKØMGA and Istituto Comprensivo Lipari “S. Lucia”, Lipari,…

Download Ham Radio Deluxe Software and HRD Product Manuals
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Download Ham Radio Deluxe Software and HRD Product Manuals

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244  Ham Radio Deluxe Software Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244V0.244 HRD Software is proud…

The First Transatlantic Telegraph Cable Was a Bold, Beautiful Failure
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The First Transatlantic Telegraph Cable Was a Bold, Beautiful Failure

The Atlantic Telegraph Company’s 1858 failure set the stage for success just eight years later By Allison Marsh Photo: Division of Work & Industry/National Museum of…