Giorno: 5 Dicembre 2019

Yanton TM-7700
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Yanton TM-7700

TM-7700 PUBLIC NETWORK MOBILE RADIO Supports various services of the POC mobile radio, including single call, group call, standby group, group automatic update, PTT call…

WSN: cosa sono e perchè saranno parte di un futuro ecosostenibile
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WSN: cosa sono e perchè saranno parte di un futuro ecosostenibile

Ci sono diversi meccanismi molto versatili che non abbiamo nelle reti tradizionali all’interno delle WSN: tornano molto comodi per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e la prevenzione…

Le architetture dei processori moderni
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Le architetture dei processori moderni

Nel corso degli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un’evoluzione vertiginosa delle tecnologie impiegate per la realizzazione dei microprocessori. Termini come multi-core, pipeline, hyper-threading, superscalare, tanto per citarne…

UN Headquarters’ 4U1UN has been Back on the Air
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UN Headquarters’ 4U1UN has been Back on the Air

The United Nations Amateur Radio Club, 4U1UN, at UN Headquarters in New York has been on the air recently. Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, recently was on…

Ham radio nets activated for Typhoon Kammuri
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Ham radio nets activated for Typhoon Kammuri

ARU-R1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator Greg Mossop G0DUB reports information received from Dani YB2TJV about Typhoon Kammuri which is affecting the Philippines. “Due to Kammuri Typhoone that was close to…

US State Department Seeks Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists – Radio
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US State Department Seeks Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists – Radio

The US Department of State is currently accepting applications for Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists – Radio (IMTS-R) positions. Foreign Service IMTS-Rs design, install,…

FT Roundup Dec 7-8
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FT Roundup Dec 7-8

Starting in 2019, the contest name has changed to FT Roundup. Contacts can be made on either FT4 or FT8. 1. Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and…