Giorno: 11 Dicembre 2019

Weka: Machine Learning per tutti – parte I
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Weka: Machine Learning per tutti – parte I

L’apprendimento automatico (machine learning) è un processo iterativo che richiede l’utilizzo di molti strumenti, programmi e script diversi per ogni fase. Un workbench (banco di…

Social network e privacy: ancora tanti gli account a rischio
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Social network e privacy: ancora tanti gli account a rischio

In un mondo tecnologico dove tutti sono connessi con tutti e ognuno di noi possiede un suo account sui vari social diventa di fondamentale importanza…

SDC Skimmer decoding PSK, RTTY, CW at the same time
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SDC Skimmer decoding PSK, RTTY, CW at the same time

SDC Skimmer by UT4LW (Yuri) decoding PSK, RTTY and CW at the same time during Russian WW MultiMode Contest (CW, SSB, RTTY, BPSK63) Transceiver: SunSDR2PRO…

ATEX PTT Solution Available for ICOM IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of ATEX radios
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ATEX PTT Solution Available for ICOM IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of ATEX radios

Icom are now able to provide a high quality ATEX approved PTT Headset that is approved to work with the IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of…

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SOLAR CYCLE 25 FORECAST UPDATE published: Monday, December 09, 2019 22:30 UTC The NOAA/NASA co-chaired, international panel to forecast Solar Cycle 25 released their latest…