Giorno: 13 Dicembre 2019

AVR-IoT: una scheda di sviluppo per collegare le applicazioni IoT a Google Cloud in pochi minuti
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AVR-IoT: una scheda di sviluppo per collegare le applicazioni IoT a Google Cloud in pochi minuti

Progettare sistemi sicuri e connessi al cloud non deve essere un processo faticoso. Le schede di sviluppo AVR-IoT e PIC-IoT di Microchip offrono un punto…

LAMCO CB/10M Radios
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LAMCO CB/10M Radios

LAMCO, here in the UK, currently have some great prices on CRT CB/10M radio equipment: CRT SS 6900N | 10/11m SSB CB Radio Transceiver –…

Yaesu FTDX101D With Bubba, Consumer Review
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Yaesu FTDX101D With Bubba, Consumer Review

VHF 50MHZ PREAMPLIFIER WITH FM NOTCH FILTER November 28, 2019 No comments A 50 – 54 MHz ( 6 meter ) HF preamplifier with innovative design. Input notch…

ARRL 10-Meter Contest
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ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Photo  PJ2T Objective: For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band. Online Log Submission: Participants can…

NOAA/NASA Panel Concurs that Solar Cycle 25 will Peak in July 2025
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NOAA/NASA Panel Concurs that Solar Cycle 25 will Peak in July 2025

The NOAA/NASA-co-chaired international Solar Cycle Prediction Panel has released its latest forecast for to forecast Solar Cycle 25. The panel’s consensus calls for a peak in July…