Giorno: 16 Dicembre 2019

Vivremo nel software
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Vivremo nel software

Io cominciai a lavorare con computer nel 1955. Il Consiglio delle Ricerche mi pagava per riparare il computer FINAC che conteneva molte migliaia di tubi…

History of Icom’s Innovative Amateur Radio Technology
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History of Icom’s Innovative Amateur Radio Technology

News Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK December 14, 2019 No comments The lead developer of the bar code system that became the…

uBITX v 6.0 QRP transceiver
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uBITX v 6.0 QRP transceiver

Upto 10 watts pep on lower HF bands, dips to 5 watts on 28 MHz SSB and CW Simple to build and align Minimal controls…