Mese: Dicembre 2019

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Interfacciare una smartcard con micro PIC

Sempre più applicazioni adottano smart card per l’identificazione utente e la memorizzazione di dati sensibili. Le applicazioni principali vanno dalla sicurezza personale alle operazioni di banking, dall’healtcare ai…

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SharkRF Openspot3, The Most Advanced Digital Ham Hotspot!

Compatible digital radio protocols and networks DMR (BrandMeister, DMRplus, DMR-MARC, Phoenix, XLX, TGIF) D-STAR® (DCS, REF/DPlus, XRF/DExtra, XLX) System Fusion®/C4FM (FCS, YSFReflector) NXDN® (NXDNReflector) P25 (P25Reflector) POCSAG (DAPNET) APRS® messaging and…

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The most versatile ham radio antenna system in my arsenal. | K6UDA Radio

VHF VHF / UHF Propagation [ ARRL The Doctor is In PodCast ] December 19, 2019 No comments Read more New release of portable transceiver…

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Applicazioni crittografiche di ESPertino

La scheda ESPertino presenta tutte le caratteristiche richieste per supportare anche le più critiche e sfidanti applicazioni in ambito IoT (Internet of Things). Oltre alla…

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As we are about to enter a new decade I’d just like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We…

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ISS SSTV December 28 until January 1

Russian cosmonauts are expected to activate Slow Scan Television (SSTV) image transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station from Saturday, December 28…

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AnyTone AT-D578UV III PRO In-Depth Review DMR Mobile

Antenna NEW PRODUCT – CHA SPIDER ASB December 19, 2019 No comments The CHA SPIDER ASB is an octagon-shaped Antenna Spoke Base designed to allow…

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5G: smascheriamo assieme TUTTE LE SUE BUFALE

Nel mondo della tecnologia, quando si avvicina l’arrivo di una novità, si creano fin troppe volte movimenti restii al cambiamento, creando un’infinità di notizie false,…

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Progettazione dei filtri con Filter CAD 3.0

Esistono in commercio numerosi circuiti integrati pensati appositamente per la progettazione dei filtri. FilterCAD 3.0 è un CAD messo a disposizione da Linear Technology e appositamente pensato per rendere tanto…

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OPS-SAT — First-of-its-Kind Space Laboratory — Launched on December 18

The European Space Agency (ESA) reports that the OPS-SAT “flying laboratory” satellite lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, aboard a Soyuz-Fregat rocket on December 18. According…

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Virginia Radio Amateur will Recreate 1906 Fessenden Christmas Eve Broadcast

The Canadian inventor, experimenter, and entrepreneur Reginald Fessenden has been credited as the inventor of radiotelephony. Fessenden claimed to have made his first voice —…

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Roanoke Division Director Interviews Oldest US Radio Amateur

Roanoke Division Director Bud Hippisley, W2RU, interviewed 108-year-old Cliff Kayhart, W4KKP, of White Rock, South Carolina — the oldest known radio amateur in the US — about…

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Mercury III LDMOS Power Amplifier Kit

Mercury III News OPS-SAT — First-of-its-Kind Space Laboratory — Launched on December 18 December 23, 2019 No comments The European Space Agency (ESA) reports…

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020. From

DXNews wishes all our subscribers and viewers a Merry Christmas and a DX filled 2020., Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020. From, ,

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First Element of ARISS Next Generation Radio System Readied for Launch on SpaceX CRS-20

During this Holiday Season, when the spirit of giving and receiving gifts reigns high, ARISS received a special gift and delivered a phenomenal gift to…

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Parametric Receive Audio System Equalizer – Heil Sound

The Heil Parametric Receive Audio System Equalizer (PRAS EQ) is a state-of-the-art audio processor that enhances the internal audio systems of amateur radio, shortwave, commercial,…

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Icom ID5100 vs Yaesu FTM400 for adventure travel

Antenna NEW PRODUCT – CHA SPIDER ASB December 19, 2019 No comments The CHA SPIDER ASB is an octagon-shaped Antenna Spoke Base designed to allow…

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App Inventor: come creare applicazioni Android SENZA CODICE per Arduino

Lo sapevi che esiste un sistema facile, a prova di bambino e gratuito che ti permette di realizzare applicazioni Android senza saper programmare? No? Ecco…

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Sviluppare con ATMEGA

La famiglia ATMEGA della ATMEL comprende una ampia serie di microcontrollori a 8 bit dotati di una vasta gamma di periferiche (convertitori analogici digitali, interfacce UART, timer…

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Gli auguri del Presidente

Voglio esprimere, in occasione delle prossime festività, la mia gratitudine per il rispetto ed il dialogo che, contrariamente al passato, hanno fortemente caratterizzato l’attività associativa…

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IQ0AK al Museo Museo della Radio

La Sezione di Porto Torres, chiuderà l’anno sociale al Museo della Radio Mario Faedda di Ittiri sito in via Dante a Ittiri (SS).Il museo ormai…

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ESPertino e IFTTT: Un maggiordomo tuttofare con il nostro smartphone

Vi piacerebbe accendere lo scaldabagno di casa con la semplice pressione di un’icona dello smartphone? Oppure, ancora, aprire e chiudere il cancello della propria villetta…

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Corso OM con ARI-Firenze

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CAMSAT CAS-6 Satellite to Launch December 20th

CAMSAT’s CAS-6 satellite is scheduled to launch at 03:21 UTC on December 20, 2019. CAS-6 is a payload on the technology test satellite Tianqin-1, which…

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Over-the-Horizon Radars Causing Widespread Interference on 40 Meters

Over-the-horizon (OTH) radars continue to plague various amateur radio bands. Those operating on exclusive ham radio allocations have been complaining for years, but military systems…