Mese: Dicembre 2019

History of Icom’s Innovative Amateur Radio Technology
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History of Icom’s Innovative Amateur Radio Technology

News Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK December 14, 2019 No comments The lead developer of the bar code system that became the…

uBITX v 6.0 QRP transceiver
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uBITX v 6.0 QRP transceiver

Upto 10 watts pep on lower HF bands, dips to 5 watts on 28 MHz SSB and CW Simple to build and align Minimal controls…

Radio User – The Return of CB Radio
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Radio User – The Return of CB Radio

The January 2020 edition of Radio User Magazine is out now online and in the shops in the next few days. It sees the return…

Northern Ireland Weekly Nets
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Northern Ireland Weekly Nets

Video:YouTube/68WR048 Marty Video from this weeks Northern Ireland Nets which take place on 27.365 and 27.525 on Thursday evenings. SSB nets go from strength to…

Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK
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Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK

The lead developer of the bar code system that became the now-ubiquitous Universal Product Code (UPC), George Laurer, K4HZE, of Wendell, North Carolina, died on…

5G: quali sono le sue NOVITÀ E LIMITI?
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5G: quali sono le sue NOVITÀ E LIMITI?

Lo sapevi che il 5G permetterà ai chirurghi di operare a distanza? Ebbene sì, il 5G permetterà di comunicare in termini mai visti prima, ma…

L’RTOS di Micrium
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L’RTOS di Micrium

Micrium nasce per volontà di Jean Labrosse come kernel di tipo real-time ed è stato pubblicato per la prima volta sulla rivista Embedded System Programming con…

Recent 3000km+ opening on 144 MHz between New Zealand and Australia reported
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Recent 3000km+ opening on 144 MHz between New Zealand and Australia reported

On the 1st of December 2019, there was an extensive Sporadic-E opening on 144 MHz in the south-eastern part of Australia. While this allowed contacts on…

AVR-IoT: una scheda di sviluppo per collegare le applicazioni IoT a Google Cloud in pochi minuti
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AVR-IoT: una scheda di sviluppo per collegare le applicazioni IoT a Google Cloud in pochi minuti

Progettare sistemi sicuri e connessi al cloud non deve essere un processo faticoso. Le schede di sviluppo AVR-IoT e PIC-IoT di Microchip offrono un punto…

LAMCO CB/10M Radios
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LAMCO CB/10M Radios

LAMCO, here in the UK, currently have some great prices on CRT CB/10M radio equipment: CRT SS 6900N | 10/11m SSB CB Radio Transceiver –…

Yaesu FTDX101D With Bubba, Consumer Review
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Yaesu FTDX101D With Bubba, Consumer Review

VHF 50MHZ PREAMPLIFIER WITH FM NOTCH FILTER November 28, 2019 No comments A 50 – 54 MHz ( 6 meter ) HF preamplifier with innovative design. Input notch…

ARRL 10-Meter Contest
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ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Photo  PJ2T Objective: For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band. Online Log Submission: Participants can…

NOAA/NASA Panel Concurs that Solar Cycle 25 will Peak in July 2025
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NOAA/NASA Panel Concurs that Solar Cycle 25 will Peak in July 2025

The NOAA/NASA-co-chaired international Solar Cycle Prediction Panel has released its latest forecast for to forecast Solar Cycle 25. The panel’s consensus calls for a peak in July…

Cyber Attacchi nelle reti IoT
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Cyber Attacchi nelle reti IoT

No, non si parla di semplici virus che vi rendono impossibile usare il computer, ma cose ben più compromettenti. Questo mondo si è evoluto molto…

RealOS di Fujitsu
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RealOS di Fujitsu

RealOS è un sistema operativo real-time che risponde alle specifiche ITRON e T-Kernel ed è particolarmente indicato per le applicazioni dove sono richiesti precisi vincoli in termini di safety del…

MFJ-1234 – RigPi Station Server Review
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MFJ-1234 – RigPi Station Server Review

Review MFJ-1234 – RigPi Station Server Review December 11, 2019 No comments Read more Introduction To Raspberry Pi For Ham Radio December 07, 2019 No…

SAQ, Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator, Announces Scheduled Christmas Eve Transmission
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SAQ, Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator, Announces Scheduled Christmas Eve Transmission

SAQ, the call sign of the 1920s vintage Alexanderson transmitter in Grimeton, Sweden, is set to be on the air for its annual Christmas Eve transmission….

The January Edition of Digital QST is Now Available!
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The January Edition of Digital QST is Now Available!

The January issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…

Next Kids Day is Saturday, January 4
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Next Kids Day is Saturday, January 4

The first Saturday in January is Kids Day — the time to get youngsters on the air to share in the joy and fun that…

KC4USV from Antarctica
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KC4USV from Antarctica

In Antarctica, Chris Cianflone, W2RTO, is on the air from KC4USV at McMurdo Station, mostly operating FT8 on 14.075 MHz. The station has a tribander…

Weka: Machine Learning per tutti – parte I
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Weka: Machine Learning per tutti – parte I

L’apprendimento automatico (machine learning) è un processo iterativo che richiede l’utilizzo di molti strumenti, programmi e script diversi per ogni fase. Un workbench (banco di…

Social network e privacy: ancora tanti gli account a rischio
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Social network e privacy: ancora tanti gli account a rischio

In un mondo tecnologico dove tutti sono connessi con tutti e ognuno di noi possiede un suo account sui vari social diventa di fondamentale importanza…

SDC Skimmer decoding PSK, RTTY, CW at the same time
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SDC Skimmer decoding PSK, RTTY, CW at the same time

SDC Skimmer by UT4LW (Yuri) decoding PSK, RTTY and CW at the same time during Russian WW MultiMode Contest (CW, SSB, RTTY, BPSK63) Transceiver: SunSDR2PRO…

ATEX PTT Solution Available for ICOM IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of ATEX radios
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ATEX PTT Solution Available for ICOM IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of ATEX radios

Icom are now able to provide a high quality ATEX approved PTT Headset that is approved to work with the IC-F3202DEX and F4202DEX series of…

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SOLAR CYCLE 25 FORECAST UPDATE published: Monday, December 09, 2019 22:30 UTC The NOAA/NASA co-chaired, international panel to forecast Solar Cycle 25 released their latest…