Giorno: 10 Gennaio 2020

Componenti per lo sviluppo di applicazioni USB
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Componenti per lo sviluppo di applicazioni USB

L’introduzione dell’interfaccia USB ha mutato non poco le nostre abitudini di lavoro, migliorando da un lato la velocità di comunicazione verso il PC e dall’altro semplificando il collegamento fisico tra…

Noi Siamo ARI
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Noi Siamo ARI

Diploma Prendas de Ittiri,i risultati
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Diploma Prendas de Ittiri,i risultati

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Earthquakes Compromised Power Generation Capacity, Puerto Rico Section Manager Says
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Earthquakes Compromised Power Generation Capacity, Puerto Rico Section Manager Says

ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, says small tremors continue on the island in the wake of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck…

New cycle sunspot group forming in the northwest quadrant.
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New cycle sunspot group forming in the northwest quadrant.

“Hello again folks. Here is another look at the new cycle sunspot group forming in the northwest quadrant. The past few months has seen a…

Norway Experiences Unexpected Ground Current “Shockwave”
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Norway Experiences Unexpected Ground Current “Shockwave” reports that on January 6, unexpected electrical currents were detected in the soil of northern Norway starting at around 1930 UTC. “It seemed to be…