Giorno: 14 Gennaio 2020

Guida Autonoma: Come funziona?
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Guida Autonoma: Come funziona?

Se tornassimo indietro di trent’anni, la guida autonoma sarebbe vista come fantascienza. Eppure, grazie alle tecnologie presenti è diventata una realtà. La guida autonoma non è…

Linear Amplifier Design con LT1991/95/96
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Linear Amplifier Design con LT1991/95/96

Gli amplificatori integrati LT1991, LT1995 ed LT1996 di Linear Technology integrano, al loro interno, una serie di resistori che consentono di configurarne la topologia (differenziale, invertente o non invertente) ed il guadagno attraverso opportune connessioni…

Satellites Charge as Fast Solar Wind Approaches | Space Weather News 01.13.2020
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Satellites Charge as Fast Solar Wind Approaches | Space Weather News 01.13.2020

VHF 432 MHz world tropo record extended even further to 4,644 kms January 05, 2020 No comments  ” On Saturday the 28th of December 2019, Ian GM3SEK in…

Amateur Radio volunteers are helping to support the American Red Cross’ efforts following the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico
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Amateur Radio volunteers are helping to support the American Red Cross’ efforts following the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, reports that several Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers have been deployed to earthquake-ravaged regions of the island…