Giorno: 22 Gennaio 2020

IoT è chi IoT lo fa: il portaspiccioli smart
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IoT è chi IoT lo fa: il portaspiccioli smart

Negli articoli precedenti abbiamo approfondito cosa significa creare un prototipo, progettandolo fin dalle basi. Ma dopo aver seguito un approccio teorico è giusto provare a declinare…

The competition will be Two-Transmitter (Multi-Two) operation – WRTC 2022 ITALY
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The competition will be Two-Transmitter (Multi-Two) operation – WRTC 2022 ITALY

WRTC 2022 is happy to announce in advance one of the most important rules for the WRTC 2022 competition. The style of operating will be…

ITU Development Sector Publication Highlights Amateur Radio’s Role in Emergency Communication
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ITU Development Sector Publication Highlights Amateur Radio’s Role in Emergency Communication

Amateur radio is featured in the publication, ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans, published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Development Sector (ITU-D). The publication notes…

AMSAT Says its GOLF-TEE Initiative has Met a Major Milestone
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AMSAT Says its GOLF-TEE Initiative has Met a Major Milestone

AMSAT reports that an array of GOLF-TEE (Greater Orbit Larger Footprint – Technology Evaluation Environment) satellite prototype boards transmitted telemetry for the first time on January 14. “The…

ARISS Opens Window for ISS Ham Radio Contact Proposals on February 1
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ARISS Opens Window for ISS Ham Radio Contact Proposals on February 1

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is once again seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations — individually or working together —…

ARES Volunteers Establish “Plan B” Communication Network in Puerto Rico
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ARES Volunteers Establish “Plan B” Communication Network in Puerto Rico

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) volunteers in Puerto Rico continued over the weekend to report for daily duty at an American Red Cross (ARC) distribution…