Giorno: 24 Gennaio 2020

I giorni della Merla: Platinum 2.0 e Speciali EOS-Book a 29€!
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I giorni della Merla: Platinum 2.0 e Speciali EOS-Book a 29€!

Sono arrivati i giorni della Merla… il periodo più freddo dell’anno! Come è ormai tradizione noi di Elettronica Open Source siamo pronti a farti compagnia con i…

Una scheda al giorno, una scheda per tutti
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Una scheda al giorno, una scheda per tutti

A partire da oggi e fino al 29 febbraio è in atto l’iniziativa “Una scheda al giorno, una scheda per tutti” con cui intendiamo premiare…

Quartzfest look around 22 Jan 2020
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Quartzfest look around 22 Jan 2020 VHF Setting up APRS on the Yaesu FT3DR Handheld Transceiver – Ham Radio Q&A January 19, 2020 No comments Compact Design and Reliable 5W…

New complete HF Portable QRP Station on the Palm of the Hand
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New complete HF Portable QRP Station on the Palm of the Hand

  Ver essa foto no Instagram   January 19 / 2020 – New complete HF Portable QRP Station on the Palm of the Hand –…

4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020
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4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020

4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020 Here it is! As of today (22/1/2020) – use of the 70.150-70.200 MHz part of 4m is allowed…

New Book from ARRL: Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners
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New Book from ARRL: Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners

Contesting is one of the most exciting aspects of amateur radio — and for some, it’s their primary ham radio activity. Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners by…

New Network Vector Analyzer FXNANO 0.5/900 MHz
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New Network Vector Analyzer FXNANO 0.5/900 MHz

Display 3.2″ , 100% compatible with all NANOVNA fw. Version redesigned with BNC, switch tact, increased battery and many other functions Antenna SteppIR BigIR…