Giorno: 1 Febbraio 2020

Blockchain: come usarla nei sistemi embedded
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Blockchain: come usarla nei sistemi embedded

La blockchain non è solo mondo finanziario: può avere differenti campi di applicazione e in questo video, cercheremo di capire come può essere impiegata all’interno…

Wake On Radio con CC430
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Wake On Radio con CC430

Come realizzare un’applicazione ultra low-power con ricezione radio intermittente con il micro CC430 di Texas Instruments. CC430 è la famiglia di microcontrollori a 16-bit di Texas Instrument per il mercato delle applicazioni…

Amateur Radio Volunteers in Turkey Support Earthquake Response
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Amateur Radio Volunteers in Turkey Support Earthquake Response

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the province of Elazig on January 24. Radio amateurs affiliated with the national International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society TRAC assisted…

Joe Spier, K6WAO, Resigns as AMSAT President
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Joe Spier, K6WAO, Resigns as AMSAT President

Joe Spier, K6WAO, has tendered his resignation as AMSAT President, citing personal reasons. Spier had served as AMSAT’s President since October 2017. Prior to his…