Giorno: 21 Marzo 2020

Spada Laser: si può fare, ma quanto consuma?
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Spada Laser: si può fare, ma quanto consuma?

Per i fan di Star Wars, è un sogno proibito avere una spada laser. Ormai sono ben note ai fan del settore le repliche in…

Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro
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Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro

Prima o poi l’intelligenza artificiale batterà l’uomo e lo porrà in secondo ordine. Parliamo di vera intelligenza, di come un computer potrà affrontare i problemi…

UK On Lockdown
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UK On Lockdown

As the UK goes into lockdown CB, PMR and Ham Radio are the ideal way to maintain social interaction, so get on the air and…

Midlands PMR Net 22/03/2020
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Midlands PMR Net 22/03/2020

In this time of crisis and social isolation it’s great to see people trying something new. David and Ryan will be out and about on…

4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From
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4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From

Vakhtang, 4L8A will be active from Tbilisi, Georgia in Russian DX Contest, 21 – 22 March 2020., 4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From, ,

HamSCI Workshop – Friday, March 20, 2020- LIV
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HamSCI Workshop – Friday, March 20, 2020- LIV

Equipment openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ] March 19, 2020 No comments Home » openSPOT3 ••••••••• The openSPOT3 is a battery powered, portable, standalone digital radio internet gateway…

First long-duration flare of Solar Cycle 25 – The K7RA Solar Update
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First long-duration flare of Solar Cycle 25 – The K7RA Solar Update

On Wednesday, reported a new emerging Cycle 25 sunspot in the sun’s Northern Hemisphere, but it was not yet numbered. By the next day…