Giorno: 31 Marzo 2020

I2C-Debug: come effettuare debug sul protocollo I2C in modo semplice!
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I2C-Debug: come effettuare debug sul protocollo I2C in modo semplice!

Il protocollo I2C viene largamente utilizzato per differenti periferiche embedded. Il vero problema è che non è sempre facile effettuare debug: il protocollo I2C non…

Smart contract su blockchain Ethereum, cosa sono e come funzionano
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Smart contract su blockchain Ethereum, cosa sono e come funzionano

L’idea degli smart contract nasce durante la fine degli anni 90 e consiste nella digitalizzazione di contratti veri e propri che vengono conservati in un…

Video KL7RRC/P Sledge Island. From
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Video KL7RRC/P Sledge Island. From

Video of KL7RRC/P IOTA Expedition to Sledge Island, IOTA NA – 210, Alaska., Video KL7RRC/P Sledge Island. From, ,

COVID-19 Affects Space Station Crew Transition
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COVID-19 Affects Space Station Crew Transition

International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 62 crew is readying its Soyuz MS-15 vehicle for an April 17 departure back to Earth. Expedition 62 members are NASA Flight…

Understanding HF Propagation
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Understanding HF Propagation

“Looks at how HF radio signals are propagated via the ionosphere. Includes a description of NVIS propagation, and looks at VOACAP-based propagation prediction tools. This…

A Simple High-Frequency Communications Receiver
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A Simple High-Frequency Communications Receiver

See What QST Has to Offer! QST is the monthly membership journal of ARRL. Each issue is your source for equipment reviews, technical tips, projects, news…

FCC Grants Temporary Emergency Authority to WISPs Operating in 5.8 GHz Band
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FCC Grants Temporary Emergency Authority to WISPs Operating in 5.8 GHz Band

The FCC has granted temporary permission to wireless internet service providers (WISPs) in rural portions of 29 states and the US Virgin Islands to operate in the…

NZ hams allowed “ZM” prefix during Covid-19
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NZ hams allowed “ZM” prefix during Covid-19

At the suggestion of Paul, ZL4TT, we applied to Radio Spectrum Management for, and have been granted, approval to treat the COVID-19 lockdown period as…